TD that is a first rate archive document you reference (The Historical Idealism and Jehovah's Witnesses,Thomas Daniels) which in a scholarly way completely damns the honesty of the Watchtower literature and claims.
The JW org deceives people!
by jdash 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
TD that is a first rate archive document you reference (The Historical Idealism and Jehovah's Witnesses,Thomas Daniels) which in a scholarly way completely damns the honesty of the Watchtower literature and claims.
The JW org deceives people!
Why is it Jehovah God never Shunned Satan the Devil ? Apparently the Devil still had access to Heaven and stationed himself in front of Jehovah and having a conversation with him ? even Centuries after Satan deceived Adam and Eve ? the book of Job.
Jehovah God never shunned Satan.
Why is it Jesus Christ never shunned Satan the Devil Jesus had conversations with him and even went up to a mountain with him.
Jesus Christ at no time had a problem with engaging in discourse with Satan the devil and this some 4000 years after Satan deceived Adam and Eve.
Jesus Christ the son of God did not shun Satan the Devil.
oh Dubstepped - thank you for sharing your letter (again?). It made a tear present itself in my eye. I especially liked: "The original lie was that humans would not have to die, and would know right from wrong. Who else has a similar message today?" and "Why is that if worldly relatives raised a fuss about one becoming a Witness it is called persecution, yet when one leaves the Witnesses it is called love?"
Some very thought provoking questions/ideas.
Thanks again for re-sharing.
@Moster - Thanks. I share in the hope that it helps. This forum and what I learned helped me craft it.
@Dubstepped Wow.
Just... wow.
I hope you don't mind, but I saved a copy of that final email you sent your mother. It was just so powerful and beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing it - it means a lot, and it was beyond sincere. I loved it.
If you want to get a Kingdom intellinear of the Christian Greek scriptures, here is a good place to start.