Awake no.3 praises Dr. Semmelweiss for discovering disease-causing germs

by Anders Andersen 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    In Awake! no. 3 2016, an article on Dr. Semmelweis states:

    Semmelweis was eventually recognized as one of the fathers of the modern antiseptic technique. His work helped to establish that microscopic matter can cause disease. He is part of the history of the germ theory of disease, which has been called “the single most important contribution to medical science and practice.” Interestingly, over 3,000 years earlier, the Mosaic Law, which was later included in the Bible, had already provided sound guidance on the proper handling of corpses.

    So, due credits to Dr. Semmelweis for playing a very important role in finding out about the germ theory of disease.
    Credits also to the Bronze Age guys who realized dead bodies can make you sick.

    Not so much credit to Jehovah's Witnesses though.

    • 3000 years ago, Bronze Age dudes say: "touching dead bodies can make you sick"
    • 1846, Semmelweis is laying the foundation for germ theory of disease.
    • 1931, Golden Age states in an article 'Germs - The Modern Superstition':
      "Germ theory has never been proven. And it cannot be proven either. [..]
      Germs do not cause disease as the most of you people have been led to believe." p.404

      Yes, Golden Age, always brimful of sound advice and sane ideas

    Awake! no.3 also states:

    Unfortunately, the importance of his [Semmelweis's] findings was not recognized until some years later. In the meantime, countless lives that could have been saved were tragically lost.
    One could wonder what Jehovah's Witnesses contributed.
    Did they help save lives? Or did they spread dangerous ignorance?

    As per their own admission, at least one of their more important figures ended up in jail for practising medicine without a license:

    From another 1931 Golden Age article, written by a chiropractor as well, it becomes clear that at that time in history, chiropractors rejected modern medicine, and claimed any disease could be solved by their methods. No wonder they were thrown in jail.

    But even if their methods were far superior, true Christians wouldn't break the law by illegally practising medicine, would they?

    Anyway, reading through 1931 Golden Age issues, the most ridiculous ideas with regards to your health pop up.

    Lesson learned?
    Don't trust Jehovah's Witness religion with your health!

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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Or your lives or ANYTHING for that matter. 

    I wonder why they didn't mention the 1931 Awake (Golden Age?) on their disbelief in  germs?

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  • redpilltwice
    Thanks for your research Anders. Their disbelief in germ theory truly shows how far they went "beyond the things that are written" (1 Cor. 4:6). A history of shame...will the same errors come to light regarding their belief in "no blood theory"?
  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    For the most part, chiropractors still believe in that horse shit.
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  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    How great a bit of research is that? Priceless!
  • elbib

    Very good insight from your painstaking research.

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh WOW!!

    Great find!

    Amazing...I am speechless.....

  • nonjwspouse

    Orphan Crow is a gold mine when it comes in info on the links with WTBTS and chiropractic medicine. Her research is truly astounding in the depth and abundance of references.

    Thank you Anders for connecting some of these dots in one useful post.

  • Dagney

    Ha ha, nice one Anders. 

    Edited to add:  

    My parents came in during the late 1930's.  So WT opinion about vaccines, aluminum, chiropractors etc. was part of my growing up.  In some ways, my parents were very health conscious from a "natural" standpoint.  The doctor at my birth was a JW MD and a chiropractor, pretty well known in the LA area.  I had asthma as a child, and my mother pursued natural ways of helping me through attacks.  I'm grateful for especially my mother being so health conscious. 

    In retrospect, I'm glad nothing like polio or other serious diseases hit our family, because who knows what they would have done.  Honestly, scary to think about it now.  I had two nonJW uncles that were doctors, one was SDA.  They finally let my uncle give my my first penicillin shot when I was about 10.

    It's that blind faith in an organization that has no respect for science that is so scary.  They kill people.

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  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    This stuff is GOLD!

    Well put together, thanks for posting!


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