607 date of Jerusalems destruction

by benny 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bobcat

    Here is Carl Olaf Jonsson's book. He has it as a free PDF on his website.

    And here is another (inexpensive) book that arrives at 587/86 bce for the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. This book approaches the subject from a different direction than COJ's book. Theile puts together the chronologies of the Hebrew kings starting from the split in the kingdom down to Zedekiah and arrives at the same date as Jonsson. Combined, both books make the 587/86 conclusion beyond any doubt.

    Poster "Scholar" is in his own dream world. You can't reason with people who don't want to reason.

  • scholar


    Methinks it is you that is in Dreamworld for your advocacy for scholarship that Bible Chronology and Bible History proves to be false and delusional. For starters, such scholarship cannot decide on the precise date for the Fall of Jerusalem whether it is 586 or 586 BCE even though COJ prefers 587 but Thiele proposes 586. Big problem here don't you think?


  • Finkelstein

    Not that much scholar certainly not as much as the JWS held to dating propagation of 607.

  • scholar


    Jonsson tries to have it both ways in trying to establish both dates of 605 or 609 BCE for the beginning of the seventy years but obviously, it must be one or the other otherwise you end up a fuzzy chronology. In contrast to Jonsson, WT scholars have determined a precise beginning for the seventy years in 607 BCE with a known historical event-Destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple.


  • scholar


    No fuzzy dates but precise events with precise dates and simply laid out so that all can understand the significance of the times in which we live today. There is no room for propaganda in Biblical scholarship but historical facts and evidence which validates 607 BCE.


  • Finkelstein

    WT scholars have determined a precise beginning for the seventy years in 607 BCE with a known historical event-Destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple.

    First off the WTS. have never had true academically trained bible scholars and the known historical event of Jerusalem destruction is 586 BCE .

    As I said before the only reason the WTS held to 607 was to make 1914 fit but as it known the land of Jerusalem was laid desolate for 70 years .

    They conned people and exploited their ignorance of ancient history.

    The other con job was to make themselves appear that they were true bible scholars but they weren't they were novices (ie Pyramidology) who propagated their tainted unprofessional theology through the literature they sold.

  • scholar


    It is incorrect to say that WTS does not have academically trained Bible scholars for the are many such persons in different parts of the world including yours truly. Additionally, it is incorrect to say that the known historical event of Jerusalem's destruction is 586 BCE whence many scholars claim 587 BCE for that event.

    Certainly, 607 BCE establishes the significance of 1914 but his more due to an act of Divine Providence and Revelation than to any man-made scheme to fit some contrivance. In fact, a study of Theology also confirms many of the basic views of those early Bible Students with the exception of Pyramidology which can be traced to scholarship which existed in Christendom at that time and embraced by those Bible Students which points to the slow emergence of centuries of Darkness.


  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    7 times = 7 years

    7 years = 7 x 360 = 2520 years

    2520 years added to 607 = 1914 (no year zero)

    1914 = End of the Gentile times - Seemples.

    Except................our 365 day year seems to make a complete nonsense of it all.

    Not forgetting the Armageddon predictions of 1914, 1915, 1925, 1975, within the 20th century, and now - very soon, so near, just ahead, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

    “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.”

    Added: "Fool me all of my life, you've become my god."

  • dozy

    Bear in mind that the Society used to have 606 BCE as the date but changed it to 607 when they realised there was no zero year. That in itself should tell you something.

    The Society are very well aware of the weakness of 607 and the vast amount of information online and rumour has long had it that they will eventually junk the date , but it is so interlinked with 1914 that it seems unlikely in the short term.

    The 2011 Watchtower article was written with the help of Professor Rolf Furuli https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolf_Furuli , a JW from Norway who has tried to defend 607. His specialty is languages rather than chronology ( to put it mildly!) . It is completely debunked here by Jonsson... https://www.academia.edu/34772857/WHEN_WAS_ANCIENT_JERUSALEM_DESTROYED_

  • lastmanstanding

    The answer is simple. Watchtower uses secular information to establish the starting point for their own calculations, after which they condemn secular information.

    “Find the hypocrisy and ye shall be free”

    Its called “poisoning the well” after you have drank your fill.

    If you throw “secular dates” out the window from the outset, then 607 disappears, simply because you would have no starting point.

    The Nabonidus Chronicle establishes the starting point, and that is “secular history”, which Watchtower first uses, then condemns.


    ... by the way, the unScholar dude knows this, but he is not interested in the truth.

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