The Bible - God's Word or Man's

by truth_b_known 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister

    Paddy I accept what you're saying. Interesting placed side by side.

    The thing is, all of our altruistic behaviours can be explained by evolution (pro social animal etc) and even our belief in God can (we tend to see agency in everything, as a protective measure)

  • waton
    The Bible speaks a lot about core values we need to embrace if we want the human race to survive long into the future.

    PTB: If true what you say, but then The author would not encase these gems into a setting that totally discredits "The word of God"s claim to divine inspiration, verification. such as Gen 1:1, which gives the planet Earth an age of 13,8 billion years.

  • PaddyTheBaddy
    • The thing is, all of our altruistic behaviours can be explained by evolution (pro social animal etc) and even our belief in God can (we tend to see agency in everything, as a protective measure)
    Yes I think evolution has enough explanatory power to account for our altruistic behaviour. Also our brains have evolved to the point whereby it is possible for us to recognise agency in the world around us. Believing in God means believing that there is an objective, rather than a subjective moral order. If true? then seeking to understand and practice this higher form of morality will help us to survive and avoid self annihilation.

    The interesting thing here, is although a naturalist which entails determinism (no free will) Richard believes evolution has brought us to a point whereby we now have the power to choose to rebel against our selfish nature and move in a different more Christ like direction. He seems to believe cultivating and nurturing pure, disinterested altruism is beneficial to the survival of our species.

    "We have the power to defy the selfish genes of our birth and, if necessary, the selfish memes of our indoctrination. We can even discuss ways of deliberately cultivating and nurturing pure, disinterested altruism-something that has no place in nature, something that has never existed before in the whole history of the world" Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene.

  • PaddyTheBaddy
    PTB: If true what you say, but then The author would not encase these gems into a setting that totally discredits "The word of God"s claim to divine inspiration, verification. such as Gen 1:1, which gives the planet Earth an age of 13,8 billion years.

    From my understanding of the account in Genesis, God wasn't overly concerned about giving us a science lesson. He set the stage for the conflict between the truth and the lie between righteousness and unrighteousness, love and hate. These are things we are still contending with on a daily basis.

    As for the age of the earth I don't believe the bible claims he did it in seven literal days. We have an intelligible universe with minds capable of unraveling its mysteries.

    “The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible, ”Albert Einstein

  • pistolpete

    "Well it could come about in the following way. It could be that, eh, at some earlier time somewhere in the universe a civilization evolved by probably some kind of Darwinian means to a very, very, high level of technology and designed a form of life that they seeded onto perhaps this planet. Ehm, now, that is a possibility and an intriguing possibility and I suppose it’s possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the um detail, details, of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer."

    That's has always been my view on how human life started. It makes absolute sense when you consider how life works on earth.

    Humans kill one another every day. Innocent and evil people die the same way.

    There was never a God that intervened when Americans Nuked Japan and kill some 140,000 people in seconds.

    There was never a God who answered the prayers of worried parents when an innocent 2 year old little girl was kidnapped, raped repeatedly for days, then dismembered and burned to hid the evidence.

    There was never a God to answer prayers when the Black Plague killed about two thirds of the European population.

    There was never a God to stop Dictators from taking power and committing genocide on large groups of people

    The Gods or Creators of humankind were not Eternal, All Wise, Benevolent-Beings.

    They were mortal like humans but with a higher level of intelligence and technology.

    They are long gone and died like all other forms of life eventually dies.

    Interestingly, even ancient bible writers noticed that in REALITY, life on this earth reflects a life with no Visible Evidence of a Benevolent, Eternal God.

    Ecclesiastes 9

    Both good and bad things happen to everyone.
    They happen to those who are fair and to those who are wicked.

    They happen to those who are good and to those who are evil.
    They happen to those who sacrifice and to those who do not.
    The same things happen to a good person
    as happen to a sinner.
    The same things happen to a person who makes promises to God
    as to one who does not.

    3 This is something unfair that happens here on earth. The same things happen to everyone. So men’s minds are full of evil and foolish thoughts while they live. After that, they join the dead

  • EverApostate
    Maybe God knew we would figure much of these things out by ourselves.

    A parent doesnt allow the kids to figure things out by themselves. Its dangerous for the kids too. And god allowed nearly 5600 Years for mankind to figure out that diseases are caused by germs ? And that the earth spins around the sun ?

    The Bible speaks a lot about core values we need to embrace if we want the human race to survive long into the future.

    How about stoning a man to death because he picked up sticks on the Sabbath

    How about owning slaves as well as beating them. These are all gods commands.

    How about Jesus saying "Leave your family and come after me". "Hate your family and come after me"

    How about Pauls advise that "Women should not speak in the congreagation"

    There are more core valuses in Buddhism that are more humane than those in the Bible. I am not a Buddhist. Just saying.

  • waton
    From my understanding of the account in Genesis, God wasn't overly concerned about giving us a science lesson.
    As for the age of the earth I don't believe the bible claims he did it in seven literal days.

    PTB If the creator knew that his credibility would rest on the record he set, in his claimed word and creation, he would make sure that his works would not contradict his word. imho. He would know, that the truth about the truth aka his word, would come out, sooner or later.

    The bible claims that the Earth was created at the Big Bang, . the landscaping came later.

  • waton

    PTB: are you defending the divine origin of the scriptures? then:

    having made humans in his image, he must have anticipated that they would be mini-creators, and find ways to read the radio messages that come in from the "in the Beginning period" that

    it is comprehensible, ”Albert Einstein

    He would not a mere 4000 years ago have words written in his name that contradicted reality, or have an organisation publish falsehood based on these falsehoods, fairy tales.

  • PaddyTheBaddy
    Interestingly, even ancient bible writers noticed that in REALITY, life on this earth reflects a life with no Visible Evidence of a Benevolent, Eternal God.

    You don't have to look far to see evil and suffering in the world. I don't pretend to be able to answer adequately the very difficult question of why God permits horrendous suffering to occur. Despite the suffering there is still beauty to be found, sometimes even as a consequence of the suffering.

    “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and deep concern. Beautiful people do not just happen,” Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

  • PaddyTheBaddy
    PTB If the creator knew that his credibility would rest on the record he set, in his claimed word and creation, he would make sure that his works would not contradict his word. imho. He would know, that the truth about the truth aka his word, would come out, sooner or later.

    In my opinion, where it counts the most, his works harmonised with his word. God didn't just state that there is no greater love than the love shown when one person lays down their life on behalf of another, he lead by example.

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