Impressions of the Governing Body; who's smart, who ain't?

by Room 215 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    All the GB members and past Presidents of the WTS. have been smart only in their own inherently

    self supporting corruption.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    .............Impressions of the Governing Body; who's smart, who ain't?

  • Finkelstein

    Good One VI

  • matt2414
    Isn't Geoffrey Jackson the GB member who struggled to come up with coherent and reasonable answers in August when he was questioned by the Royal Commission that was investigating the Australian Branch's massive cover-up of over one thousand pedophiles? He came off looking like an idiot, incapable of explaining a few Bible texts and unable to defend the Watchtower's twisted interpretation of scripture.
  • Sabin

    I agree with Divergent about steven let, I watched his delivery on how the Borg doesn't have a pede problem 100`s of times over, every movement in his face, licking his lips, nodding his head, his eye movements & direction. He knew 100% that he was misleading/lying. He`s the one I think they would throw to the wolfs.

    Matt, Geff Jackson looked smug when in front of the RC, I wished someone could have smacked him straight round his face. His whole attitude was "you cant touch me & I know", nothing but pure arrogance.

    As far as the group one of them is a psychopath, who is manipulating the others. Has to be because they are becoming more cult like every day & it will most lightly be the one we least expect. They are constantly changing which allows this type of individual to hide their manipulative personality in full sight, they have the opportunity to exert power & control over the others & the resources. His ability to get others around him to do things is often of more importance than his intellectual ability. Well that is my opinion anyway.

  • Magnum

    Simon Templar: They are all very "street smart" and able to read the politics of the organization at any given time. That's how they got where they are. Don't sell them short.

    I'm not sure about that. I believe that they got where they are first and foremost because they profess to be anointed. That put them in a position to be chosen for the GB. There's not really that much competition; the pool of candidates is small. One has to be male, he has to be a long-time company man, he has to have been in full-time service for some time, and he has to profess to be of the anointed. How many men are there that fit the job description?

    Also, I actually think that it's others behind the scenes who "read the politics of the organization" and formulate a lot of the responses and actions.

    As to the question mentioned in the OP, my honest opinion is that not one of the current group is really smart. I think some of the GB members of times past were smart, but not any in this group. I would feel confident if I alone had to face all seven members of the GB at one time in a debate, but not as confident with GB 1.0. GB 1.0 seemed more intellectual and scholarly.

    If I had to pick, I'd say Jackson and Sanderson are the smartest, but that's just going by the little exposure I've had to them by watching videos. Sanderson and maybe Jackson seem more level-headed, but the others just seem nutty to me.

  • DarioKehl
    They're all smart... in a Jim jones/david koresh/Marshall Applewhite/l ron hubbard kind of way.
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I thought I had heard Lett came from a very wealthy JW family, which might have something to do with his being invited to be on the GB.

    No Apologies

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Same as AM#3 came from wealthy parents and was warned by his dad about giving a lump sum to the organization.father was probably near death in his eighties.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    I don't know who's smart or who isn't but I do know that they've been drinkin' their own Koolaid so long that they seem to have lost touch with reality. This is the result of having surrounded themselves for decades with yes men and women who are afraid to give their leaders a reality check. From all the changes we've seen lately I get the sense that they've realized this themselves (perhaps too late) and have hired some outside agency to make them over or they are making some last ditch effort to put a new(ish) spin on the same old stuff and are still listening to their own narcissistic reasonings and are failing to realize that no matter what they do, people are seeing through the whole set up.

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