JWs and "Simple Truths"
by JW_Rogue 13 Replies latest jw experiences
In public talks we would always hear about how we knew God's word was the truth because it was simple and clear. How God revealed the real truth to uneducated and ordinary people. The problem is that in reality something being simple or clear isn't an indicator of it's truthfulness at all. At one point people believed that the Sun rotated around Earth. A very simple idea and it seemed to explain what was going on but it turned out to be totally false. The reality of the solar system is actually much more complex with many more variables than that original model would have been able to explain. JWs don't want to take the time and effort to explore the true nature of life or existence. Instead they want "Simple Truths" handed to them, that's why they'll ignore anything that gives rise to any new or contradictory explanations. -
Great thoughts!
Simple truths, for "simplistic" people
defender of truth
JW_Rogue 2 hours ago
In public talks we would always hear about how we knew God's word was the truth because it was simple and clear.
How God revealed the real truth to uneducated and ordinary people.
The thing is, though, there was nothing simple and clear about some of those teachings.
Remember the Revelation book?
Instead they want "Simple Truths" handed to them, that's why they'll ignore anything that gives rise to any new or contradictory explanations.
Simple truths? Again, do you remember the Revelation book?... ;)
Also, as a side point. (I know this is not what you meant by those words, I am being a bit sarcastic)...
New and contradictory explanations were frequent when it came to interpreting the Bible book of Revelation.
Yet JW's could not ignore them.
They had to teach these new and contradictory thoughts, whenever the latest book came out.
I understand what you're saying, and yet...
Trying to explain how to get to 1914 through the times and half time, 607 and the books of Daniel and Revelation wasn't so simple.There are truths that may seem simple like E=mc2, but there's a lot of complexity in arriving at them. Unlike with the "Truth(R)" of the WT which is not complex but rather a chaotic mess.
In my opinion, the WT hierarchy wants simpletons for followers. Out of necessity they have a simple English issue because even the 3rd grade reading level of the regular WT is now too much.
defender of truth - "...Again, do you remember the Revelation book?...
Ah, memories.
You know, I was once naive enough to think that if a global Apocalypse actually occurred and didn't follow WT eschatology, the Org would collapse.
But they've all but completely divested themselves of Fred Franz's End-of-Days script; it's not even in print anymore.
(Fortunately, there's no one left who's creative enough to give it a much-needed shot in the arm. :smirk:)
There is no delusion so complicated as that of someone claiming to believe (and follow) "only" the simple "truths" of the Bible.
You need a whole publishing empire to expound upon those "truths" and an entire army of followers to teach those "truths" with the correct and up-to-date "understanding" (i. e., interpretations). You need copious warnings about thinking for yourself and listening to anyone else who dares question your leaders' interpretations.
Oh, and it also helps to have a translation of the Bible that accommodates your interpretation of those simple "truths" of the Bible.
I think Occam's razor is still a useful tool for finding truth, it just has to be properly applied. Using the example of the solar system, the geocentric model was initially simple because it handily explained the motion of the sun, moon and stars. The problem arose when new evidence was examined - planetary motion. While it is possible to accurately describe the motion of the planets while making the assumption of a geocentric universe, it becomes rather complex. And so the apparently simple geocentric model requires a great deal of complexity to be consistent with ALL the available evidence. The heliocentric model appears more complex at first, but it allows for a far simpler explanation planetary motion.
So the key is to look for the real "simple truths" and not just the superficially simple explanations that then require ever increasingly complex rules to explain new evidence. JW doctrine on the face of it is reasonably simple but then when you begin to consider things like the sheer number of animals that would've had to have been on Noah's arc, or the logistics of an eternal paradise the apparently simple doctrine has to be continually adjusted and refined with ever more divine interventions and exceptions to the rules. In the end it becomes far simpler to accept scientific explanations and disregard the doctrine that creates endless and needless complexity when examined more closely.
OneEyedJoe - "...JW doctrine on the face of it is reasonably simple but then when you begin to consider things like the sheer number of animals that would've had to have been on Noah's arc, or the logistics of an eternal paradise the apparently simple doctrine has to be continually adjusted and refined with ever more divine interventions and exceptions to the rules..."
You eventually get to the point where the defense of the account's historicity becomes so utterly depended on "miraculous" influences at every single stage that it stretches credibility to the breaking point.
And you end up being left with a choice... either stop asking and simply accept (i.e. shut your brain off), or accept the inescapable conclusion that the story simply cannot be taken literally, thus putting you on a path you can never go back on.
This is the burden that an intelligent person in the Org has to deal with on a daily basis.
JW doctrine on the face of it is reasonably simple but then when you begin to consider things like the sheer number of animals that would've had to have been on Noah's arc, or the logistics of an eternal paradise the apparently simple doctrine has to be continually adjusted and refined with ever more divine interventions and exceptions to the rules. In the end it becomes far simpler to accept scientific explanations and disregard the doctrine that creates endless and needless complexity when examined more closely.
Oh, yes but you're aren't really supposed to examine it closely now are you? They have answers for people who want to be told what to believe, not people who want to learn objectively. Any objective learning will lead to questions which simply can't be answered. JWs want to have the solution to every problem without any effort or work on their part.
New and contradictory explanations were frequent when it came to interpreting the Bible book of Revelation.
Yet JW's could not ignore them.
They had to teach these new and contradictory thoughts, whenever the latest book came out.They do like to have it both ways don't they? They would say that these "deep things of God" have been made clear by Jehovah's holy spirit and the understanding keeps getting clearer. I would say the Revelation book really as a whole wasn't that complicated. It was basically just trying apply everything they could to the JW movement of the 1900s.
Half banana
Yes Rogue, the essence of JWism is to justify the preposterous claim that the almighty creator of the universe had chosen the WTBTS in 1919 as his exclusive channel or conduit.
To do this in the absence of tangible evidence they try to illuminate their experience as a Jeremiah doomsday cult by bending the scriptures to their own history. Delusion is a serious psychological problem for an individual... but holding and broadcasting shared delusions takes the problem on to a whole new level.
The JW org is now entering a post-Copernican revolution. The planetary system, it must be understood, is no longer solar centric because the sun now shines out of the buttocks of the governing body. Here is the source of the “new light”.
Thinking for yourself and reasoning are to be strictly discouraged because a JW never needs to think for themself. It is simpler to leave this to the demi-gods of Brooklyn. If a brother or sister is found trying to reason, or learn about the origins of the Watchtower or investigate the origins of Christianity, he or she will be publicly marked and made an example of what not to do.
Instead just contribute money, wear your blinkers and obey... Being blessed is subjective.