Evil is attractive, no doubt about it.
Eh? Sorry, you must be talking about HOLLYWOOD evil; you know , the dapper, dry, stylish English bad guy in the Die Hard movies, the charasmatic little serial killers in Natural Born Killers, the hypnotic murderer in Silence of the Lambs.
Come on Yeru; do you find these depictions of evil attractive?
- A man, hidden from view in undergrowth, watching children and waiting, his face a mask of desire.
- A guy, dropping Rohpinol into a woman's drink so he can take her home and rape her.
- A group of men, laughing and cheering as their leader kicks a gay man on the floor repeatedly.
- A politician, smiling at the clever wording of a speech he's going to deliver, fully aware of its spin and desired impact, and of the cracks it papers over so well, and of the course of action that it will justify him taking, even at the cost of lives.
- A man deciding that skimping on the spec of the house just a little will still get it through safety checks, just, and nothing bads likely to happen anyway, and will mean he can make the down payment on that yacht.
Is evil attractive Yeru? God have mercy on your soul if it is to you.
Whether from a secular or religious point of view if we found evil repulsive, it'd be easy to conquer or avoid. We sin not so much because we WANT TO DO EVIL but because the evil is something we desire.
Ah, now, that's a religous viewpoint, isn't it? I am so glad I am an athiest. I don't desire evil; if theists desire to do evil, I have great sympathy for you.
Told you, religious viewpoint. Sex is evil? Since when? Either very twisted thinking or very simplistic thinking. Sex isn't evil Yeru. Show me one scripture where it says sex is evil. You might mean that sex out of specifically ordained and allowed scenarios is evil. If so, say so, and we can discuss how these contradict basic human sexual biology, and whether you think this is god's idea of a joke, or whether you think that following a moral code written by bronze-age pastoralists with no knowledge of human biology is intrinscially superior to following the adage of 'do what you will but do no harm'.
Money isn't evil Yeru. What you do with money can be good (like running hospitals or providing clean drinking water), or bad (bribing poltiicans to support your business interests). But money isn't evil. It's normally pieces of paper or metal without a moral value. If money is evil, and the Roman Catholic church is rich, then what does this mean using your argument? Use logic man!
Power isn't evil Yeru. What you do with power can be evil... it can also be good; Ghandi had power. Martin Luther King had power... they were not perfect, but compare the use of their power to that of Stalin or Hitler. If power is evil and the Roman Catholic church is powerful, what does this mean using your argument? Use logic man!
Satan doesn't tempt with things that horrify us, but rather, that attract us.
Satan doesn't tempt us. We tempt ourselves. There is nothing wrong with finding sex, money, power, attractive. What is wrong is when our desire for those things overides our concern for our fellow man. Simplistic view of things (money, sex, power) as intrinsically evil is a classic black/white thinking technique used by religous to reduce individual responsibility, as it is not the THINGS but the ACTIONS that can be wrong.
Or are you now going to tell me that guns kill people, and people don't kill people? Money, sex, power, guns; no of it is evil, it's what you do with them that can be.