Sounds like a great opportunity for a protest of JWs then. An opportunity, if done well, to inform the public in a classy way about JW practices.
Super Bowl public witnessing campaign Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
by wifibandit 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just what everybody wants to see and discuss on the way to the biggest game of the year. Now, if they know where to get the best chicken wings and best micro brews in the area they might have something.
Now you are kidding us, Wifi Bandit.....aren't you??
Still Totally ADD
Instead of the lollipop guild they will be the frozen pop guild. Lol. Crazy is the name of the game when it comes to cults. Still Totally ADD
No Apologies
I wonder if this is my circuit.
That letter sounds like something the Scientology propaganda departments would be proud of writing!