If he get pass this, America deserve him...... Conversation 10 years ago.
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon 97 Replies latest jw friends
If you've followed my posts, you know I'm no Trump fan.
But I don't see what the big deal about this recording is.
If you haven't figured out by now, after 16 months of non-stop Trump coverage, that he's a vile misogynistic creep, well, one more recording isn't going to change your mind.
James Mixon
sir82: You don't think the Christian Conservatives may back off of Trump and M. Pence will step down, mark my word. When I was single I never talked about women in that way, the guy is a sick O......I agree with you "that he's a vile misogynistic creep", If this don't change some folks, I don't know what will.
Pence sold his soul for this one chance at political stardom, he's certainly not going to jump off the ticket with one month to go.
Evangelicals are already holding their noses and voting against the she-devil, er, Hillary. Just the thought of who HRC might nominate to the SCOTUS will keep them from jumping ship.
It's a non-issue.
Since when did religious people become anything but complete hypocrites?
Even though he is a walking-talking example of many things they claim to despise, they still love him because he's their only possible ticket to power.
James Mixon
That's scary "they still love him because he's their only possible ticket to power"....
Trump's ego is so big, when he is banging a supermodel he closes his eyes and thinks of himself masterbating.
James Mixon
I'am a Star I can grab women in their private parts, they love it. So what will happen if he become president????
If he does, no women working in the Oval Office.....
This is so much worse than anything else he has said. This is him bragging about sexual assault. But the right wing fundies are hypocrites so this will likely not mean much to them. This ends him getting most independents though which he was already starting to lose. I guess we can all start saying "Madam President" :)
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
Like WatchTower Supporters.....Trump Supporters don`t care..
Trump Can Hypnotize Them With a Few Words..