I don't know how far they will go, but, I think they should turn around and go back to where they were. JWdom used to attract stable, serious, intelligent people - people with depth to them. It used to stand out from other Christian-professing churches and religions, and it attracted sincere people who were turned off by such. It used to be (or at least appear to be) dignified, scholarly, bold, and serious, but not anymore. JWdom will no longer be attractive as it once was, and those it does attract will not be of the caliber of the ones it attracted in the past.
The problem, though, is that JWdom can't really return to where it was because of the internet and because time has run out on its theology and predictions. JWs used to be sort of isolated. They could produce deeper, more analytical publications that awed many and that weren't exposed to scrutiny by outsiders and questioning JWs who could communicate with each other easily. The internet changed that. Now, that wouldn't work. It would be too easy to expose the wrongness of such publications.
So, JWdom can't go back to where it was, and the new JWdom is shallow and churchy and weak and undignified and unscholarly. JWdom, in my opinion, can't win. The glory days are gone forever. I say it will start to go into decline soon.