Amen Biahi amen. I think of all the things as a child I was not allowed to do. Play little league baseball, school football and not being a normal child. Because of this reglious isolation of abuse and a born-in for me it took along time to wake up. But the straw that broke the camel's back for me was the lack of emotional support by the congregation when I was dealing with my mother's mental disease. After being told by the P.O. it was my problem and I was not going to get any help from the elders that was it for me. That Wednesday night in January of 2011 I walk out of the kingdom hall and never came back. Still Totally ADD
When was it time for you to walk away from your congregation meetings and the WTBTS?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Doubts in 1985 — generation change. More doubts 2010 — another generation change. Packed it up that same year when I realized there was really no divine (Holy Spirit) direction in the Borg. (Yes. I really did believe that BS.) 😡 Totally embarrassed and feel like a gullible fool.
It’s all a sham.
Was born in, but hated the guilt trips of not doing enough. Hung in there as long as possible. Finally woke up with the overlapping generations teaching. I should have and regretted not waking up in 1995.
The first meeting but was brainwashed per the fantasies/garbage in the journals -- magazines. I was even told it's nothing like the mags indicate inside and yet people stay -- it's a snake pit.
road to nowhere
Future. Either someone sees this if i forget to erase, someone sees me voting, or wife is gone so i don't need to consider her needs
I stayed in for a couple or more years coz love my partner more than anyone, anything else in this world. refuse to break from my partner for anyone, anything, come what may! So Waited / bided my time to wake up my partner and leave together; if not I was willing to forgo freedom for beign with my partner without saying a word. Fortunately for me I have managed to wake my partner up and yippeeee we are both out for good.
So to answer the question when was it time to walk away from the meetings?...when my partner was also ready to walk away from it all!
Life is so good !
Zing, how did you wake up your partner?
I was basically a born-in. I'm not sure that I ever really believed all the sh*t from the wt even though I made "great" progress as a jw, MS, pioneer, elder, and all that stuff! Started serious doubting after 1975, really slacked off after my beautiful, wonderful jw wife had an affair or 2, and fell off the cliff in 1995 when 'generation' became whatever the wt said it was. "overlapping" was just another bullet and today I'm happily a non jw. Not df'ed, not da'ed, just a non jw!
just saying!
I am sorry you got picked on and persecuted because you have a nice figure. Your father tried to defend you and had something idiotic said to him. I’m glad you got out at the young age of 23.
A woman in the Witness religion who is attractive with a nice figure is supposed to try harder than other women in the hall to look ‘modest’ - and even then she will be criticized. What I loved were the occasional ‘special needs’ talks (probably instigated by some elder’s dowdy wife) directed at sisters admonishing them about clothing that’s ‘too tight’, ‘too low’, ‘too short’, ‘too stylish’, ad nauseam.
Now take how YOU were viewed and ADD the fact that you had a full time job and were independent, didn’t do favors for all the users..and you will have my experience in the JW religion.
@Sickandtired, just sent you a PM