Disclaimer: I do not approve or condone any acts of violence that result in the deaths of innocent persons.
Alright.. Let me just say that I have no idea what motivated the latest mass shooting, nor do I condone those actions. I am, however, beginning to understand why some individuals may feel that violence is their only choice, although I do not approve of that choice.
When I read topics on this forum that concern religion and legalism, topics that drone on and on, getting nowhere, I feel extremely frustrated. Yes, religions are given certain freedoms, but many are obviously going beyond the spirit that motivated the separation of Church and State. That separation is not a license to harm others.
We are all very well aware of the duplicitous nature of many "religious" organizations, and the lies they tell, including lies of omission. We are also aware of the far reaching and in some cases, permanent damage that these "religions" have caused.
It seems that they are nearly untouchable. Aside from monetary damages, from which they quickly recover, they suffer very little damage, while the damage they inflict in a myriad of ways, can be terrible. They ruin entire lives. They damage our most precious members of society, our children.
When you take into account the damage from sexual abuse, the cultish ban on education that some sects adopt, the limiting of individual expression and freedom in order to "guide" congragants, the damage to our futures is incalculable.
How many great minds have we lost? Just think about that for a moment. How much talent has simply been thrown away? How much progress has been halted?
The progress of humanity could be likened to the absurdity of a Watchtower construction site. Despite the constant ineptitude, some progress is made. It's as if we endure, despite the best efforts of the self-appointed leaders. A bit dramatic on my part, but it seems that religion is a limiting factor, not something that augments our progress.
What's my point? Well, it seems as if nothing can be done to stop harmful religions. No offense to those interested in legal matters, but when topic after topic degrades into legalese that obscures morality, it's easy to see why we find our society in a morass of never ending "debates", and I use that term loosely.
Religions go to mind boggling lengths to protect their own interests. They twist and turn, rebrand, duck and cover, bob and weave. They spend untold amounts of money to protect themselves, so that they can do what's "legal", as if that absolves them of any wrongdoing. It seems that they are very protected from a legal standpoint, but could they be digging their own grave?
As I stated, I don't know what motivates someone to open fire in a Church. I don't know why a JW in my country decided to blow himself up inside a Kingdom Hall? Did these people feel powerless? Did they feel that there was no other way?
It seems that society is starting to become fed-up with all the sexual misconduct of those in power, at least I hope so. Social media is being used as a force for good in many cases, yet, along with the more civilized forms of protest, could we also see an increase in violence, especially against abusive institutions?
I'm just thinking out loud, but I'm wondering if a natural consequence of "religiosity" and legalism, could be violence. The pendulum has to swing back. Isn't that the way of things? I'm just wondering if some "critical mass" could actually be reached? If you reap what you sow, will Religion ironically bring about its own demise?
Anyway, just wondering what your thoughts are.