I brought a top of the range Lexmark 73 printer/scanner/copier about a year and half ago and got it covered by Coverplan mastercare. It cost me approx £230.
The coverplan insurance told me that if it broke down I would get full cover for parts and labour OR a brad new top of the range printer.
It broke down and without even looking at it Coverplan told me to "throw it away" and they will send me vouchers to replace the value.
After 6 weeks of arguing my case with them I finally end up with a £58 Lexmark 75. The small print says Coverplan will provide a "same specification" printer. While there was a same specification printer in the store that cost £129 (that I could have brought home with me) they wouldnt allow me to have it, instead I have to wait for the delivery of a £58 printer to the store before I can go and collect it. Even if they allowed me to have the 129.00 one I was still losing £100 but I would have settled for it. But no, they made sure I had the least valuable one even though I didnt buy the least valuable one.
£58 was roughly the same price I paid for the "coverplan insurance", I may as well have not had it in the first place.
Thing is, last Christmas I brought a Laptop for £1400. Its covered by "mastercare/coverplan", I have now realised that if it broke, they could replace it with a £400 laptop as long as it had the same "specifications".
I feel like they robbed me of almost £200 and am anticipating them robbing me of almost 1000.
I have always been a suckler for reading the small print, but they got me me this time. Crooks.
Coverplan is Dixons baby, so if you buy at Dixons, Currys or any attatched store, get ready to be robbed.
Have you ever been a victim of a crook or the small print?