Atlantis, do you have the file that showed how the KGB infiltrated the JW's?
Yes, it is back there somewhere, hold on a second.
Here you go!
The JW's never knew who they were talking to at the meetings!
Click the "Red" bookmark in the file for the information listed below.
There were about 200 agents and informers working in the Witness underground in western Ukraine in the mid-1950s. Several KGB informers became important figures within the Jehovah’s Witness organization, entered the country committee, travelled abroad and established communication with higher level Witness centres in Poland and Switzerland.
Many Witness couriers who smuggled information from the Soviet Union abroad were under the control of the KGB. This is how the secret police obtained detailed and up to date information about the religious underground. The subsequent history of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Soviet Union, however, demonstrates that neither KGB agent infiltration nor mass deportation prevented the survival or indeed the steady growth of the organization.
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