how do you perceive God ?

by stan livedeath 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    what i'm trying to do is ask what theists think god is like.

    also--why is he invisible.

    how big is he ?

    in fact--why is god a he--not a she. or is he / she hermaphrodite ?

    do you think god is a massive invisible man in the sky ? how big--like a universe ?


    do you believe there is just one almighty god?

    although i am atheist--i ask these questions as a kind of research--not in a whimsical or sarcastic way.

  • punkofnice

    No good asking me, mate. I don't believe in any god, magic or faeries.

    But if god had a name, it's be Harold. As in Harold be thy name.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Harold Witch Heart.

  • redvip2000

    also--why is he invisible. - Evidently God wants to make it as hard as possible for people to believe in him. The reality is that if God really wanted people to believe in him, it could be done in 10 minutes.

    how big is he ? Evidently not big enough where he can be somewhere in the US helping someone find their keys, but not see children in another part of the world starving.

    in fact--why is god a he--not a she. or is he / she hermaphrodite ? Because the ancient peasants who created these ideas, looked down at women and saw them as a piece of property.

    do you think god is a massive invisible man in the sky ? how big--like a universe ? see question 2

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The arguments about the construct of English get old.

    As for God he would be in another dimension we cannot understand. No one ever found keys because god wanted them to. There seems to be a disinterest in the goings on here in any matter

  • Theonlyoneleft


    until a while ago, I still believed that there was a God and a son, Jesus as well as an overall of religious beliefs.

    but... since I have joined this site I have had the privilege of reading some of many experiences and stories and explanations of some of the things that I believed.

    I’m no longer 100% sure that there’s a God, or even the story of evolution. This is so weird to me.

    i used to say often to myself.... better do the right thing... God’s watching. I still feel like that some of the time but then I wonder why I’m still thinking like it.

    I’m on the path of researching. I no longer know what I believe.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    what i try to get my head round is

    JW's believe there is only one god--lets call him jehovah to keep things simple.

    now--there are many many other religions that also teach there is only one god.

    so--if we accept what JW's say--that there is only 1 god--jehovah, then ( by extention !) --see what i dd there----all those other religions that teach there is just one god..must also be worshipping jehovah.

    so why would he want to kill them all..for worshipping Him ?

    am i missing something ?

  • redvip2000
    all those other religions that teach there is just one god..must also be worshipping jehovah.

    You can't make that leap. Just because someone says that they believe there is just one God, it does not mean it's the same god you believe in.

    In any case, the bigger point is that if God really exists, then he is not really interested in people knowing him. If he wanted to do this, he would provide irrefutable evidence of his existence.

    If I wanted to convince you of something, and I had irrefutable evidence of it, but failed to provide it to you on purpose, then I'm an idiot.

  • Finkelstein

    Here's how I imagine god ...........

  • lriddle80

    There's a story in the Bible where some people supposedly saw God and they had a feast together.

    Exodus 24:9-11

    Then Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and 70 of the elders of Israel went up and they saw the God of Israel. There was under his feet, as it were, a pavement of sapphire stone like the very heavens for clearness. And he did not lay his hand on the chief minister the people of Israel; they beheld God and ate and drank.

    I think that's as close as we're going to get as for a description.

    There are other passages from Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel. Similar descriptions. I don't think anyone saw his face, though, because they would have died. Moses saw his back that one time.

    I personally don't picture him at all. I pray and then I "see" him in how he answers those prayers, or how he cheers me up when I am down, and a lot of other ways. But that's because I am looking for him in everything and I have eyes that see.

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