TV commercial seen in the United States, from a Law firm "Asking if you were ever sexually abused by JEHOVAHS WITNESSES, please call".

by Dunedain 79 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sir82

    you can't be called an apostate...for just looking at regular TV.


    You can be called an apostate for doing anything that the GB or its representatives decide to call "apostate behavior".

    This is a corollary to one of the the principle JW tenets:

    You can be disfellowshipped for any reason that three elders agree on.

  • Vidiot
    Worldling9 - "...the sister said it did not surprise her...'it's the time of the end'..."

    End of an era, anyway. :smirk:

  • Vidiot
    sir82 - "You can be called an apostate for doing anything that the GB or its representatives decide to call "apostate behavior"... This is a corollary to one of the the principle JW tenets: You can be disfellowshipped for any reason that three elders agree on."

    Yeah... that's pretty much what the "brazen conduct" catch-all is for.

    As far as the WTS is concerned, anything critical of the Org is technically apostate (in origin). Hell, according to the elder's manual, thinking that the GB is mistaken about something constitutes apostasy (despite the recent "admission" of fallibility).

    Here's a new one for the lurkers, newbies, and trolls...

    ...if your leaders have bent over backwards covering all the bases that would otherwise allow for them to be wrong, they're probably wrong.

  • theunbeliever

    Thank you for posting the video. I just sent it to my mother. I've been DF'ed for nearly a year but she's come to the conclusion God would never forbid a mother from speaking to her only son for any reason and slowly realizing this may not be "the Truth". As mentioned before, the dominoes are definitely falling.

  • Calebs Airplane
  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I want to add my thanks also. CA love you post, it is so true. I was getting so depressed yesterday with ones who were trying to downplay this saying such stupid things as "The ad is simply a fishing expedition to see what it throws up."

    Like I told that poster, this is not just some small nameless law firm but a major one, I am sure they have more to do than to just throw out bait for something stupid that they hope might bring in some more money for them. They have to have done some homework on this. They are exposing JW's in a very bad light. I told that poster that they could very well be sued if they are not careful and he shot back at me like I was a stupid fool, what can they be sued for. Like I am some idiot.

    Well I was in a hall with 3 child molesters and NO they did not molest me but they were allowed to be around children and no parents were warned to watch their children around these men. I only found out by accident because my sister dated one of them otherwise I would never have known any of it. Once I found out about the one, it was leaked to me by another elder's wife that there were 2 more. One of the other 2 had been taking care of a mentally handicapped little girl so the mother could listen to the meetings without being disrupted by her child, I am sure she was not told he was a child molester. This pedophile had been taking the little girl who was 3 into the backroom alone and outside alone all with the elder's who knew he had been in prison for 8 years for raping a 8 year old child, approval. This child also could not talk, she was a perfect victim.

    I was furious when I found out and went ballistic, I was an elder's wife at the time. I got the police and court records of the one I knew about, I flipped out and told a foster mom to watch her child. Now get this, one of the elder threatened to DF me for causing divisions in the hall. He also made a veiled threat that I could be sued for slander against the child molester. So when Landy said they cannot be sued I was threatened, granted I was not sued because as I said I had proof of everything, court and police records, etc, which the elder also flipped out about and told me I had to bussiness having, but the prosecuting attorney of my city told me were PUBLIC and that I had every right to have them and the elder's should have wanted to at least see them but they refused to even look at them. My life became a living hell. My husband was deleted as an elder because I was not in subjection enough.

    I contacted the police, the child protective service, the parole officer, and Bethel, but as soon as I had flipped out the elders stopped the pedophile for taking care of the child and it seemed to me that they lied to the parole officer as I stupidly gave him the # of one of the elder's. When I next spoke to the officer he told me the pedophile was not holding children after speaking to the elder.

    If I had known how it was all going to go down I would have kept my mouth shut, let the child molester keep taking the child into the backroom alone and gone outside to call the police. The police told me they would have came to the hall and at least talked to the elder's about it being against the law. But I flipped out first and the elder's pulled him from the child and it was my word against the elders.

    Everyone I have spoken to is disgusted but until a child comes forward and says they were molested none of them can do anything.

    It is just so frustrating to have ones like RO and Landy downplay this and try to make it seem like such a long shot. Maybe it is but to keep hammering it will scare ones from coming forward. Everyone I have spoken to in the law enforcement, down to CPS feel that in my hall a child was molested by the lack of care from the elder's in their, allowing the child molesters to be around children. But no one can do anything until a victim comes forward. One of pedophiles even held a baby shower with his wife. Seriously with the elder's approval he held a baby shower and elder's were there.

    It just hits so close to home and is so crazy, why not at the very least not allow them around children and at the very least quietly tell the parents. The elder who got so mad at me for telling the foster mom, told me he had to convince the mom that the child molester was indeed safe to be around kids. This foster mom let her child sit with one of the pedophiles and his family when her child was just 4 years old or so and the mom got mad at me for telling her, because she believed the elder over me. I have the police and court records and none of the elder's wanted to see them only the CoB took them and very reluctantly at that.

    I just get frustrated on this sight at ones who defend this religion and they way they are handling this problem.

    I made a friend outside the JW's and she invited me to a Bible study that she went to with about 200 women, I went to try to make new friends, these women bring their children and the the study group is so serious about this problem that even though it is only women who attend, no men it is still 2 adults and one child PERIOD. If you work in the children's group you HAVE TO HAVE A BACKGROUND CHECK PERIOD!

    I just do not understand why if a group like this that is small can do it why would not the JW's do it. It just does not make sense why they are fighting this and why ones like RO and Landy say that this is hopeless. None of this is making sense.


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I am just so glad these ad's are out even if like Landy and RO say it it will accomplish nothing at the very least they have made this public. The JW's can cry persecution, say that it is Satan's lies, etc but for the elder's in my hall and I am sure many other halls, they are going to be worried wondering when a victim, another Candace Conti might come forward and will it be them going to court defending why they allowed a child molester to be around the child in their hall.

    If that is all that this accomplishes that in itself is a huge victory.


  • Phoebe

    I do know for sure, that things have changed in the UK & Ireland. I saw a new directive that is finally taking abuse seriously. It is a sin and a CRIME and that parents are advised to contact the local authorities if they wish to do so. There's lots in it and I haven't read it all but it is definitely addressing the issue at last!

    I also know that known pedophiles are watched at the conventions. That brothers are assigned to keep an eye on them constantly, even follow them into the toilets.

    It's a step in the right direction and probably one that has been forced on them but they are taking it seriously now thank goodness.

  • tor1500

    Hi All,

    As I said before, it's not an apostate tv wasn't that when any of us saw it we were looking at an apostate sir, we were just watching tv. Elders can think what they want,,,why would a law firm out of the blue advertise for child abuse in the JW org. I think everybody thought the org. would be exposed by the ARC in Australia, big court cases, a lot of media an paper exposure, but nothing made a dent in the US, now here comes this law firm, right here in the US and bam, the org. is exposed or should I say this ad is planting seeds in folks....why would they run an ad if there weren't any sort of truth to it....this child abuse has been an elephant in the room for a long time. Folks knew about it but afraid to talk about it...and don't think the friends have not seen the ads, when they see or know something they shut tight...because we all know witnesses can't hold water.

    They can call it persecution if they want but the average JW will know what it really is...just to afraid to say it...


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Phoebe it might be in the UK and Ireland but it is not in the USA, I just spoke to the CO in July and he was adamant that no one knows and I was not tell anyone. No child molester that I know of is being followed anywhere in any hall or convention, if they were I would not be posting right now, they are allowed to got out in service and the ones that are assigned to work with them do not know they are child molesters, all they have to be is a mature adult. How is that safe for the public? The CoB would send the one child molester out with 18 year old's who knew nothing of his past or with his wife sometimes. She married him with a 7 year old child knowing he had served 10 years in prison for raping his own bio 5 year old child, How would either of these mature adult's protect a householder's child?

    Flipper told me that his brother told him, parents were warned, but in reality they were not, they say what they can to calm people down but they do not do 2 adults on one child and do not follow any child molester that I have ever seen.


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