Two lies all Jehovah’s Witnesses are told

by Farmer Jim1 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    This is why they stick to the "two witness rule".

    I never...


  • Vanderhoven7

    The religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is the closest thing to first century Christianity.

  • WillYouDFme

    Vander, is that a joke I hope?

  • Tameria2001

    WillYouDFme - I'm not talking about those who got married at a young age, or just because they wanted to have sex and not get in trouble with the Watchtower, I'm talking about those who really love each other when they got married. When I was still in the organization, I knew plenty of active JWs who were unhappy in their marriages, but if you didn't know them personally you would have never guessed it while at the meetings. Many of those unhappy marriages did end in divorce, while they were still a JW. It didn't even matter what their position was in the organization; circuit overseer, elder, ministerial servant, regular pioneer, or just a publisher, I knew different witnesses in all those positions who all divorced for various reasons, and I know the reasons for those divorces, and it all narrowed down to unhappiness.

  • Vanderhoven7

    just telling another one of the WTS lies there Willy.

  • WillYouDFme

    Tameria2001 - I do agree with you.

    I was an elder for 20 years - and I have to say most of the marriages were not happy, held together by FEAR (DFing), their schedule, meetings, service, assemblies.

    The love many of them had was a mile wide and an inch deep.

    Heard this over and over -- My Mate Will Be SO Perfect in the New System.

    Vander - YUP - "best life ever" too right:)

  • scruffmcbuff

    My thoughts mimic yours.

    When i was first Df those wicked worldy folk took me in. Both literally put a roof over my head and emotionally supported me.

    And point 3. Lived in my current house 5 years neither me nor my neighbours have had a jw visit. But just the other day i heard the letter flap go and it was a memorial invite being put thru the door. They dont even knock! They act like the kebab house and just drop a menu!

  • NewYork44M

    Are you serious? I was only told 2 lies in my life growing up as a JW? You have got to be kidding. I was told thousands of lies every waking minute of my formative years. To suggest that there are only 2 lies is just silly.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    I agree, Two Lies Only :Day n Night

    (if you get the pun)


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