The door was knocked very quietly, (the bell ignored) . Two ladies stood there both clutching Bibles, a youngish one, early thirties, and an old dear, in her seventies I would guess.
The young one started "we have been asking your neighbours today if they feel there is anywhere to go for reliable guidance ?"
Me; " Yes there is ! " but pointing to her Silver Sword I said " But not there though !"
"But don't you think that Human nature has remained the same ? "
"I do, but that book is simply not good enough morally for the 21st Century, and I will give you three examples"
I then outlined about the Bibles wrong view on Homosexuality ( saying that it was their Human Nature, they were born that way), then Slavery, (not a word against it in the Bible),and the treatment of women in the Bible ( they are treated just like chattels)..
"You have obviously studied the Bible then !"
"Yes, and the Koran and Eastern Texts" I then showed where the Koran could not be the word of god, being only written down two centuries after Mohammed, and therefore coming down in "Chinese Whispers, and we know how good they are !" I then showed that the Bible has no Provenance either. I asked "If it were the word of god, do you not think he would have preserved it properly, so we could trust what it says ?
She then asked if I had some contact with JW's in my life, so I admitted to being a born in.
I quickly then went on to say that my main problem with the org is the huge Paedophilia problem they have, " worse than the Catholic Church". I said she would not know about the ARC as "information you receive is highly controlled".
"But things have changed now" I said not enough.
Then the old dear piped up "Yes but the Churches are welcoming these people back in, these Paedophiles ". She might have regretted her interjection, because I said.
" I can name a convicted paedophile who lives not far from here. and he has been re-instated to the Congregation." That stumped her !
We chatted some more,small talk, and then they backed away, and the young one said ;
"Well it was nice to hear your opinions", I didn't let that go ! I said " Everything I have told you is facts, not opinions, if you find out that something I have said to you is not factual, write it on a piece of paper and put it through my door if I am not in "
I just hope some of what I said will stick in their minds, you never know.