It took me over a month of reading every night before bed, but last night i finished reading Crisis Of Conscience. I was amazed by what I read. The extent of disregard for peoples feelings and lack of human kindness to those who had given a major part of their lives to theocratic service, made me sick. To hear of how some of them were disfellowshiped offhandedly for trivialities, in their latter stages of life, was disgusting.
It was 1980 when I started to wonder for myself why things were not happening the way I had been taught. I was still active in the 80's but for the life of me can't remember hearing any more than whispers about what happened in Brooklyn. I was that brainwashed, wearing those biblical blinders I was. How anyone could remain in active membership with an organization that has become so calluse and cruel is beyond me. I suppose it is true that many are stuck because their family and friends are there. Those friendships though are forced, based on eronious teachings, judgemental attitudes and lies.
As I read the book things began to make sense. I still have a few of the old books and went back to check on some of the statements that Franz made. He was right. Teachings were continuallu tweaked to make things seem to fit their time line, their agenda. Why couldn't they just admit ignorance? Why must they allow their pride and need to control cause divisions among friends and families? I always fell back on the "where else are we to go?", attitude. I figured that in the longrun the org. was the best choice out there. The basic lifestyle teachings were good. If only the leadership practiced what they preached.
Franz said something at the end of his book that got my attention. Probably the truest statement in the book. "To believe because others believe, is to have a borrowed conviction and a borrowed faith. To be genuine, and to lead to life, these must be the product of one's own mind and one's own heart." I'm still figuring out what I believe and who I believe in. When I get there, it will be right for me, of me and for me. When I have made myself whole, for I believe there is a place for faith in me, I will be that much better a husband to Sheila, a friend to my friends and man to my world.