To all that been in betel service. As 1440.000 are suppose to rule like kings they must also be an example of putting the fruits of the spirit in there daily life(charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (kindness), goodness, longanimity (forbearance), mildness (gentleness), faith, modesty, continency (self-control), and chastity.). Have you meet a GB member or other from the 144.000 in Betel when you were there that you could easy see that this person wakes up in the morning and is determined to apply fruits of the spirit in there life?
Fruits of the spirit
by asp59 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Br. Friend?
I am trying, at least I pray about that every morning. But I am not so good at that. My moody body is fighting against me. But I have made some progress, but there is still a long way to be full of fruits of the spirit all the time.
It is "fruit of the spirit". Love, joy, peace, long suffering, self control, etc. are all a composite. It's all of them.
If the Holy Spirit is in a person, working with that person, that person displays all those qualities. You cannot artificially attempt to display them. I always hated it when I heard Witnesses say things like, "This week I am going to work on this fruit of the spirit and next week this fruit of the Spirit."
It seems to me that this forum attracts more than its share of mental health issues.
Any body alive with a mind has mental health issues.
Brock Talon
The short answer to this is "yes," there were some sincere (if not flawed) Governing Body members and other "heavies" I knew during my time at Bethel.
The long answer can be found in a few posts I wrote years ago on this forum...
The fruits of the spirit are simply very desirable qualities displayed to some extent by many humans without any help from an unseen 'force'.
Most of the so called 144,000 are very strange folks! So if it's fruits of an unseen force that is aiding them to display such fruits-----well!
just saying!
Anyone can display the fruit of the Spirit. All they have to do is put other people's interest first. Even prominent Christian pastors have scolded their fellow Christians that they have seen their non-Christian neighbors displaying the fruit of the Spirit better then their own parishioners.
I knew Charlie Fekel back in '72-73. He was on the GB. I sat next to him at the table and went shopping with him on occasion. And I must say he was good man. Nothing like what I see today. He was truly humble.