A Bethel Memory #7 - My GB can lick your GB

by LivingTheDream 43 Replies latest members private

  • LivingTheDream

    My GB can lick your GB

    I was a young man at Bethel about 30 years ago, back in the early 80's when Governing Body members George Gangas and Dan Sydlick were still alive and walked the Bethel halls.

    These two Governing body members could not have been more different from each other. Dan Sydlick at the time usually played the voice of God in most of the convention dramas. He was large man and had a big booming voice not unlike James Earl Jones plugged into an amplifier. He had a very self confident, outgoing personality about him. He walked powerfully and spoke with authority, even more so than other GB.

    One day he gave a Bethel "New Boys" talk to us first year Bethelites and he mentioned that we all needed to "round out our personalities" because Jehovah doesn't like square things". He said, "look at naaaature, nothing is square in naaaature, this shows God loves smooooothness." Interesting I thought. I went up to him after that talk and getting through the crowd that was around him, I said to him:

    Me: Loved the talk Brother Sydlick. But, regarding the square things in nature issue, I can think of something square in nature.

    Sydlick: [eyeballs me for a second] Ohhhhhhh? Whaaaat?

    Me: [confidently] Sodium Chloride. Table salt. It's a perfect cube. [I smile]

    Sydlick: [grabs my tie and pulls me closer to his face] Whaaat's your naame boooy? If you're wronnng, there's a job chaaange in it for you! [playing at being mad]

    Crowd: HaHaHaHa.

    Me: [smiling, knowing he is playing] My name is [LivingTheDream] sir. And its Sodium Chloride. [now tickled pink with this]

    Sydlick: [letting go of me seeing as I am getting the joke that he's pretending to be mad at me] Har, har, har! Gooood one boy! [walks off]


    Now Brother George Gangas on the other hand was a little, hunched over Yoda-looking man who appeared to be about 200 years old. He was meek and retiring for the most part, except for when he spontaneously wanted to quiz you on random Bible trivia. Many a young Bethelite would be minding his own business and would come within range and then brother Gangas would zero in on him and pounce. I was a recipient of this more than once myself. This is how it would go:

    Gangas: You, brother! [pointing, crooked finger, crooked smile, spoken in a slow staccato voice at first] CAN..YOU..TELL..ME..... [pause, then faster] WHAT... are the seven creative days?!?!

    Bethelite: What are whaaaa?

    Gangas: [spoken in that old Greek mans voice again but a bit more clearly] WHAT... are the seven creative days?!

    Bethelite: Oh, ummm, lessee...

    Gangas: [staccato voice again, leading him to the answer] ...AND..GOD..SAID..LET..THERE...BE...

    Bethelite: LIGHT!

    Gangas: [beaming smile] Yes! Next!

    Bethelite: Ummm...

    And so it would go. After getting through all 7 days, George would smile his Yoda smile and shuffle on. He was a sweet and harmless man, but he loved those questions. He would ask about the 13 covenants, the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 apostles, and so on, always fixated on Bible trivia that was a list of some kind. Some of us got used to this and even made up a Gangas cheat sheet. It was a small card with his most commonly asked questions and we would study it and then when asked, we would pretend to struggle the answers but in the end, just barely remember them, much to his delight. It didn't matter if he asked you the same questions before, he never seemed to remember who he asked what, so it was always totally new to him and he always found joy in it.

    I liked both these men as they were real people and did and acted pretty much as they pleased, but in a good way. They seemed completely oblivious to the stodgy, careful and calculated way many senior Bethelites handled themselves and they seemed to have a genuine love of people.


    So, one day we all had a particularly LONG day. I forget why, but the entire Bethel family was up together for some reason and we were all heading back to our rooms quite late. It so happens that brother Sydlick, brother Gangas, and a few other Bethelites all got onto the same elevator at the same time to go back to the rooms. The doors shut and Brother Gangas turned and looked at one of the Bethelites, never missing an opportunity to pounce:

    Gangas: You brother! CAN... YOU... TELL..

    Sydlick: [voice booming] CAN IT GEORGE! WE'RE ALL TIIIRED!

    Gangas: [looks down sadly, doesn't say another word]

    The elevator got quiet and then the door opened, Sydlick strode out and Gangas shuffled after him, a few others got out too. When the doors closed again, those remaining in the elevator all looked at each other and then they all burst into laughter.


  • Scott77


    This too is a good narative. Thank you for it. However, I would like you if possible, to focus more and more on the negatives, contraversial incidents, happenings, stuff that are completely hiden from our eyes. For example, child abuse reporting, sucide accidents at Bethel, homosexual issues, fights among brothers, stealing, regular pay per month, bethel cars, do they own personal jets? health services, how good is it? that infirmary for the dieing, how do they decide that one or so is kept there while others are send off to fend for themselves or kicked on the curb, I think the list is endless.

    Thank you


  • confuzzled777

    LivingTheDream.....LOVE this one too......just trying to figure out how I missed #6! lol I like them all, the good AND the bad. Sometimes it is refreshing to read something positive amongst all the negative on the board.

    Thanks again for sharing!! Off to find #6 before I close out for the night.....

  • cabasilas

    Living the Dream,

    These are great stories! Sorry I didn't respond to your earlier comment and I understand the need not to reveal some names. I don't see a need for you to focus on negative things. Just tell your memories as you see fit. They're great! Thanks for sharing them here!


    (Brooklyn from Sept 73 to Feb 75 and WT Farm from Feb 75 to Feb 76)

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    Much appreciated living the dream. Keep em coming!

  • zoiks

    Good stuff, very entertaining. Thanks for the memories, LTD.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Living the dream, the Gangas elevator story has been around for years. If everyone who recounted that story had been in the elevator it would have had a hundred people in it. I guess you were one of the lucky ones to actually be in it. Were you in the elevator too or is this a case of relating a Bethel legend as your own truth? Just wondering.

  • LivingTheDream


    Well, If you notice, the first story about Sydlick I talk about myself because that happened to me. I actually had that interaction with him. The first story about Gangas also happened to me, more than once actually.

    But if you read carefully, the story about the elevator I didn't say I was there because I wasn't. I did know somebody there that claimed to be in that elevator though, but I recounted it as he told it to me.

    Good eye though!


  • LivingTheDream


    I'm just the new guy here, but the title of this board says this about it:

    Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum

    The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!

    That's all I'm doing.


  • slimboyfat

    I disagree with Scott77. I enjoy all these stories, the good as well as the bad.

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