That is discouraging about how the congregation marked the record of the votes, but it gives me an idea of how to do battle with the JWs in court. My understanding is that in the USA because the WT is a corporation (though filed as a non-profit one) the congregations of the WT have to have votes on certain matters, the ones you voted on. As a result I think such voting is legally required to recorded correctly, like other corporate elections. Perhaps you and others have a legal case against their congregations and maybe against the WT. Of course you can't change the outcome of the elections since your vote (in regards to whether a resolution was passed or not) you was very much on the loosing side, but the congregation and perhaps the WT might could be subjected to some penalty due to vote tabulation fraud.
Of course if you take the matter to the courts you will probably be removed as one of JWs and thus not likely qualified to have your vote recorded.