Been retired for the past 16 years. Retired from teaching at 58. I am blessed beyond measure with children who love the Lord and my wife and I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary in August. PTL
What do you do for living?
by Iamallcool 32 Replies latest jw friends
University student, living at home. I work part time as office help at an Engineering/Architectural company.
Lion Tamer
mickb, how old is your lion? -
As a 14 year old non JW , left school got a job in a leathergoods business ,did a 5 year apprenticeship ,became converted at 20 years old ,left the job after 12 years and went to work for KODAK in a laboratory. Then got a job interstate with an oil co.for 6 years ,left got another job with another photographic Co,for another 5 years ,and finally got a job with another oil Co,in a laboratory and stayed for 28 years ,until I retired in 2007 @ 68 years old. And i have been retired since then.
There was a couple more jobs before the last one of about a year in each.
One being a very memorable one was with the Australian Reptile Park in Gosford NSW.
Fortunately for me and my wife staying in the last job I had for 28 years left me with enough money to buy my own home.Being a JW was the reason I moved around so much and took so many jobs because the end could come any time soon ,but as i got to about 40 years of age I thought maybe I should be looking at a bit more security until it does come just in case.
I had noted that the GB were not without blame for the 1975 fiasco blaming it solely on the expectations of the R&F.
Eat, drink, breathe, exercise and defecate. Apart from that, I do audits for an insurance company.
I've been in drafting and design since I was 16 years old, and was the youngest employee of an architectural-engineering firm when I was 18. I worked for 2 large specialized firms until I was 22, then left for the contracting side of HVAC, refrigeration, etc where I do coordination drawings, design, drafting, etc. It's been good, but I should have been an architect or engineer if not for this damn cult. I shake my head at how my parents refused to help me with financial aide (sign for loans) even though I'd been accepted to Temple, Drexel, and Penn State.
stan livedeath
punkofnicean hour ago
Eat, drink, breathe, exercise and defecate. Apart from that, I do audits for an insurance company.
all at the same time ?
I'm currently not working, too.
I am going to college one day a week on an IT course.
(I graduated from uni in 2015 with a biology degree. I could do a doctorate because my BSc grade was good enough to jump up to a PhD but it isn't easy and I just don't have that desire at the moment. I guess I'm lazy!)
PS - I don't like living on Job Seeker's Allowance. For one thing, I don't like being dependent on the government. Another thing, I should be earning my own money and being independent.
Hopefully I can get a nice little job in IT after I complete my college course.
Long-term, I would like to try and go for a PhD if possible.