The whole 6,000 year bunk is nothing more than a scam so that joke-hova can take credit for all advance. Before that time, people were far more advanced than today. Then joke-hova tampered with humanity, destroyed all that technology (and the planet Phaeton), shortened our lives to the present 120 years, and created the unending debt for a single event lie. And, to this day, we are stuck with the effects. All evidence of an advanced society that was ruined around 6,000 years ago is discredited and destroyed.
Truth is, we were around far longer than 6,000 years. The Gods lived here on the earth with us, and tried to help us develop. At some point, just before breakthrough, joke-hova barged in and thwarted the whole thing. And now, we are at the climax--political correctness before factual correctness, bibles and qurans coming before science, it being a crime to criticize jews, xians, or muslims (the death penalty) even though all are proven to be clones of communism, and all our systems messed up. There is poison food, poison (fluoride) intentionally added to water, chemtrails sprayed to obscure MY view of the planets (that also poison the earth, air, and water), and medicine that is just about mandatory that is poison. I feel that we are near the point where the earth will be ruined forever, we will all be microchipped, and Noahide Law will be enforced (and so much for history before that 6,000 years).
Certainly, if the book you claim to be abiding to is bunk, the whole religion is bunk too.