Wasa were you confusing Clinton with Trump? Clinton and Trump did wonderful things for the economy! How’s that honest Clinton Foundation doing??
De Niro Wants To See A Bag of Sh*t On Trump’s Face
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
De Niro used to be an excellent actor. I like him in Taxi Driver (1976) and The Deer Hunter (1978).
He is obviously allowed his political opinion but it's high time he recognised that his opinion is no more important than Joe Blow's.
He should concentrate on his acting. When was the last decent film he appeared in?
stan livedeath
I liked de niro in once uppn a time in America. It took a few viewings before i really got the plot. Not been on the Box for years in the UK
minimus - "De Niro wants to see a bag of sh*t on Trump’s face..."
Would he be able to tell the difference?
Right, Vid. Robert De Niro is full of shit so how would he know the difference? Great point!👍
Even though I do not believe Donald Dump is anywhere near perfect (he still shills too much for Israel for my liking--I thought the president is supposed to put his or her own country ahead of Israel), the alternatives are far worse. KILLary would have certainly imposed World War III, political correctness even worse than we already have, unlimited and uncontrolled immigration, the military draft (and activated it), and made sure that no one would ever be able to help America again.
Nor would the other alternatives have been much better. Just the mainstream status quo. I do not want to be paying reparations forever for incidents that were done away with back in 1865, and that I didn't have anything to do with creating. This ancestral debt is exactly why I dislike the whole bible and quran so much--being infinitely in debt for an incident that happened in the past and I could do nothing to prevent or fix. I also do not like having New York City style monitoring of everything I do. Even though Dump is doing a rather poor job fixing things (where is that wall? Where is the reversal of Abomination Care? Why is it taking so long for these big time criminals--bankers, kiddie porn ring leaders and child trafficking ring leaders, and so on--to end up in jail?), I don't think anyone else would have done much better.
And I don't like any of the alternatives for 2020, either. Warren is just more of the same trend--you want $150,000 per year out of your pay, forever, going for reparations for something that was ended in 1865? And none of the other alternatives are for more than communism, political correctness, and eventually having us under Noahide Law and prepping this planet for the reptilians to move in. About the only viable candidate is the one that the jokehovians claim is the Ruler of the world--Satan. (Maybe then, we could have real solutions in weeks and months, not tens of thousands of years).
WTWiz I normally just scroll past but really? Get a grip.
So Wiz. Trump is still better than the others. In fairness to him, he’s had to deal with a lot of phony bs with the Russian nonsense and now this bogus impeachment
That De Niro lack of civility worries me. When people recurres to the insults the next step is violence. Come on, if you guys don't like the guy participate and oust him democratically. The far left has been like this since Trump's day one. They're painting themselves as histerical, crazy guys.!
So he plays "make believe" for a living. He must think that qualifies him to make morally obcene judgements about the POTUS. At least some of the characters he has played are more civil and have more class than he does.