When they sign in to their website they have to ✔️ a box which asks "Are you a robot?"
Alert: Following blindly jw.org these day / RISK
by Gorbatchov 18 Replies latest jw friends
I think of JWs like you mentioned the same way I think of someone who is mentally ill. You ever met anyone with dementia or with a severe developmental disability? That.
They say things normal people wouldnt say.
They do things normal people wouldnt do.
They think things about the outside world that normal people dont.
They're mentally ill. Being in the JW org is self-induced mental illness.
joey jojo
Zoom and doom, well done eyeuse. 😁
lm thinking this is the beginning of the great tribulation
aa: if that is so, check the missing person lists, it should include all partakers passed on to heaven, their remains missing, disposed of by angels, if wt prophecy is to be believed
lm thinking this is the beginning of the great tribulation
atom ant: if that would be true, the wtBtS inc would now be preaching a mighty campaign of hard hitting truth against all governments. Hailstone the size of footballs, not wimpy, repetitive dress rehearsals at their 'password holders only ' 3rd grader level zoom affairs.
Suicide is not part of their religion....discounting the Ban on Blood of course.
The JW aversion to death is well documented hence their acceptance of a belief that they 'may never die' or if they did......... a wonderful resurrection will take place and they will be joined by family and friends.
Since no one has ever experienced an event like this it boggles the mind that otherwise reasonable people accept and cling to this notion.
Beliefs like these feed on the natural ignorance of people. And every religion feeds on this. There is no serious religion that does not offer some level of hope.
Your average JW is grossly under educated. The average JW ..... is not stupid........ but unfortunately while they may be really nice and kind people........ ignorance abounds.
They eventually become less capable to think things through for themselves.
The thinking is done when the Society speaks.
After years of obedience the average JW falls prey to the needs of the WTBTS corporation. And this is a corporation that is reckless with it's believers.
Time is demanded for meetings, field service, preparing for meetings, driving to meetings (selling a KH most often increases the distance to attend another KH).
The average JW can easily spend 20 hours a week on this nonsense.
What happens now when they are allowed to rejoin their congregation?
After a meeting or two are they going to miss the free time and pursuits and hobbies they enjoyed on their own?
I think or hope so.
Are the brothers going to obediently shave their beards that some have grown? 😬 A WT a few years ago seemed to say that brothers could have beards. It was all doublespeak from that WT and the Circuit Overseer.
The G.B./J.W./WTB&TS / F&DS, religion over the years have given a specific time-line of events that would occur when the Great Tribulation breaks out .
With this pandemic upon us I find it weird that the rank&file JW cherry picks for themselves out of those events and come to the conclusion that this is the start of the GT ?
Correct me if I am wrong (and I know you will ) Wasn`t the eighth king ,the United Nations going to attack all religions and wipe them out ,only to find that the religion of Jehovah`s Witnesses was still active and so they turned on them ,then Jehovah stepped in and brought about the GT.? and later to be followed by Armageddon ?
And the G.B./ WTB&TS / F&DS class say nothing to quell these statements by the rank and file members .
Isnt it in their interests to do so ?
Which only adds to the non JW community when this is all done and dusted that Jehovah`s witnesses are just a bunch of nut cases always spouting about the end of the world and such and nothing ever happens .?
Well said Giordano and Smiddy.
There has ,of course been no proclamation from the GB that this IS the end, it is just the understandable conclusion jumped to by people schooled to expect it.
Thankfully, the ones I live with and have dealings with are moee level headed.