Its writers were men with feelings like ours
One more privilage women never got to have.
by blondie 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
Its writers were men with feelings like ours
One more privilage women never got to have.
Thank you again Blondie! The WatchTower really does down play Jesus importance and inserts "the organization" as (non-anointed) mankinds only salvation. They talk of Gods power, mercy and love. But by their actions, they show they believe God to be; a) powerless against their usurping Jesus role, b) tolerant of their lack of mercy, and c) pleased with the conditional love they display! I think the J-dud Masters are in for a rude awakening! Maverick
Running with onacruise here, I read every one and have never replied back...........actually I go looking for your latest "comments" post every week........... a sincere thank you for your time and effort
This article was a total cut-and-paste job. Using the WT-CD I found where all these things have been discussed and discussed, sometimes using the exact same paragraphs.
Having a good memory can be annoying at times can't it? I had noticed this cut and paste writing style in the publications for years. I excused it in my mind by saying that new ones hadn't read that yet. Ignoring the blatant fact that the fellows in the writing department were just plain lazy. The worst offense was the recent Worship book.
I am so glad I'm out.
Someone said:
"well, Sister Intelligent/Caring/Insightful is a JW, so they must see something I can't see. Such-and-such a doctrine doesn't make sense, but if Sister Insightful has no problem with it, then it must be me that just can't understand."
Isn't it funny? I bet many of us thought that way. Brother so-and-so is so smart, insightful, converted as an adult, has a masters/phd/whatever, surely he would know if he was being duped. I'll just sit on my concerns and "wait on Jehovah."
Thanks for the writeups Blondie, I force myself to read them each week (not for your content but theirs).
Just a suggestion - could you provide questions at the end of the article so we can look for the key words in each question, and find the corresponding answers in the paragraphs? :)
Just a suggestion - could you provide questions at the end of the article so we can look for the key words in each question, and find the corresponding answers in the paragraphs? :)
Actually, gcc, what you could do is write up a question yourself that will highlight the main point. That is what I did as a study technique in school.
But I know you're kidding. I don't subscribe to the regurgitation school of learning.
When I returned to school I was quite a bit older than the other students (15 years or more). We were handed our first test and it was an essay test. The other students complained because it wasn't multiple choice. The teacher said that life was not going to hand them the answers to choose out of 5 selections. They would have to figure it out themselves.
I swear there are some JWs that can't flush the toilet without an elder's help or permission.
Sillyputty, you live up to your name.
Blondie, please do me a favor. please put my CO on your mailing list if you have one, and send him the Watchtower study Comments each and every week.
He would just block me from sending. My motto is "no pearls before swine."
Hello Panda.
Sometimes maybe just as a relief to know more and more dubs are beginning to think.
Unfortunately Panda, I am a dying breed; most JWs are still brain dead. The smart ones leave. Even when still attending, people would always come up and say that my comments made them think. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long in their case. I would try to make the book study and the WT study lively but never getting in trouble.
Now I’m really, embarrassed, Blueblades
You however are the "Best""Your Good"and it gets "Better and Better"
I consider the phrase "iron sharpens iron." The comments of all of you here on JWD give bite to my review. If I am getting better, it is because you all are getting better and better.
Well, Rocketman,
That brother always made the "Special Needs" talk lively. He never followed the script the body had given him. We never knew what he was going to say or what elder would slump down in his chair after hearing it.
As to the ladies and the Bible, actually Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah, and Jesus’ mother Mary have their words recorded. But they are not listed as the author of a book. Of course, we know how many sisters helped their husbands with their talks so who knows how many had their wives help them write the Bible.
Greetings, Maverick,
The WatchTower really does down play Jesus importance and inserts "the organization" as (non-anointed) mankinds only salvation.
I called back on a woman who had accepted the magazines from me. She gave them back and said that she had counted how many times Jehovah and Jesus were used. It was 2 to 1 in Jehovah’s favor. She gave the magazines back to me and said that she was a Christian not a Jehovah.
It made me get out another magazine and check it (pre-WT CD days). Sure enough, she was right. Another crack in my JW barrier.
Glad to hear from you, Jgull
Running with onacruise here, I read every one and have never replied back
Another one of my invisible audience. I’m glad I can still inform and entertain. But it is hard considering the material I have to work with.
A new commenter, welcome, Loris.
the blatant fact that the fellows in the writing department were just plain lazy
Having visited that area a few times, I will have to say that laziness is not what holds them back. It is fear. They must conform to what others have said in the past, holy ones like Fred Franz. Just as most JWs read their answers from the paragraph for fear they might be found having an original idea, so the writers at Bethel. Their authority is what the WTS has written in the past, not the Bible. So it’s cut and paste to be safe and CTA.
Oh Blondie, Blondie, Blondie! You have truly outdone yourself yet again. WEASEL WORDS ? I love it. That will be my special mantra for today. Am sending you a big hug for all your Watchtower critiques. Cathy