I've been there. I've been that sister in the bus thinking to myself: they look so much better from the distance.
Watchtower Study 23rd August
by BluesBrother 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
Anna Marina
Based on real life incidents.
1) Disfellowshipped person (me) - meets them on cart (pre covid) - they aren't supposed to talk to me. But I get a big hug, huge smiles and they say 'we want you back, we want you back.'
2) Disfellowshipped person (me) - meets them on cart (pre covid) - they aren't supposed to talk to me. They stuff their noses in the air and turn the other way.
To the first one I say, "I am still the same person I was. I have been lied about and you have been lied to. There are lots of us who have realised the Watchtower Organisation tells lies. When you are ready to leave, you'll find you we are all here just waiting for you. You will never be alone or abandoned. Don't be afraid to leave."
If appropriate go and get them coffee or hot chocolate or something nice they like.
To the second one, I say nothing and just shake my head in disbelief and they get NO COFFEE.
I look at them from the outside now obviously, and my main emotion is Pity.
I have been there, feeling the Cognitive Dissonance, "If this religion is supposed to make us all so happy, why are we all really so miserable, deep inside ?"
"What a waste of time, and waste of life !, pretending to "witness" to people when none of it has any effect".
" Can this, really THIS, be the "truth" ??".
I pity them, for not finding The Road To Freedom and Happiness that I, and so many Ex JW's have found. We now lead fulfilled, valuable lives, with people who love us without conditions, and we are FREE ! Free from the oppression of the Org, the constant bullying to "do more", and the worry of Armageddon or "displeasing god", FREE from all that and more.
Yes, I pity those poor folks, and wish they too would find what we have found, a Life Worth Living, what is truly, The Best Life Ever !
'' I should have taken my book study, '' THE TRUTH that leads to ETERNAL LIFE'', more serious. Then I could live my life just like brother and sister '' Physically In, Mentally Out.''
Omg.....I see (or used to) them in service and think what a pathetic waste of time......and am so relieved to be far far gone and away from that scenario.
Pete Zahut
"Cheats with my best friend and they get reinstated 6 mos. later and I'm left riding the bus to work."
OMG - those arrogant b@$t@rd$! That boils my blood. As you mentioned in the OP, the problem is always ours. We're somehow weak, and, if it's not weakness, it's wickedness. A JW who has left is either weak or wicked; it's never that he left because he's strong and smart and has researched and spent a lot of time analyzing and really wants truth.
And, as for the picture that you posted... I've driven by JWs at carts a number of times, and, the look on my face was one of utter contempt and disdain. I always think how ignorant and clueless and unreasonable they are and how they are really scared of questions and challenges and outside info... how they claim to be lovers of truth, but don't want the real truth. I always think how glad I am that I am no longer part of that - trapped on that hamster wheel of mindless busy work that takes lives and keeps drones from straying.
- What words would you put in her mouth?
“I’m so glad I left that fucking cult and now I can live my life for myself!”
JW GoneBad
A JW who has left is either weak or wicked; it's never that he left because he's strong and smart and has researched and spent a lot of time analyzing and really wants truth.
Spot-on Magnum!
Reasons why some have left?
Or "loving" members of the congregation may torment a person who has broken God’s law in the decades ago past, making him feel unworthy of God’s love.
Personally, if there is a god I do not believe he gives a fart in a mitten about humans.