God Bless George Walker Bush

by Jayson 44 Replies latest social current

  • Euphemism

    Hey, Yeru... why don't you give me some of your money? I promise it will increase your revenues...

    (Okay, sorry, that was a cheap shot. I think supply-side economics is a bunch of hogwash, but neither of us are economists, so there's little point in debating it.)

    Buy the gin, but invest the rest.
    No, please, whatever you do, please don't invest your money, and thus lower interest rates even further! Spend the money, and generate economic growth, instead.
  • Jayson
    No, please, whatever you do, please don't invest your money, and thus lower interest rates even further! Spend the money, and generate economic growth, instead.

    Investing is a term with many meanings. A few thousand dollars can get you into a home. But hey don't ever do that. Rent from me instead. Make my payment on my investment so I have more money for bullets for my guns & more gas for my SUV. (All the while my "investment" grows.) You can have the "gin."

    why don't you give me some of your money? I promise it will increase your revenues.

    The promise (lies) of inflated government.

  • Yerusalyim


    You don't have to be an economist to know that when the government has your money, it doesn't help the economy, but that if you have your money, and spend it, that it creates jobs.

    Also, many many many economists will tell you that the growth of the economy in the 90's was due to the ground work laid by Reagan in the 80's.

    What so many people fail to realize is there are no quick fixes for an economy. It generally takes YEARS. That's why it will take years for out economy to heal from Clinton's recession and the hit we took on 9-11.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    No tax refund! All children grown up.

  • Jayson

    To late, not a debate, already got the refund.

  • ashitaka
    You don't have to be an economist to know that when the government has your money, it doesn't help the economy, but that if you have your money,

    How about having a surplus and trying to pay off our national debt? Sounds like a better plan to me. I would've been willing to keep the same taxes we had before, as long as the money was spent wisely. It wasn't, isn't, and never will be, no matter who is in office.


  • smack

    is that the little twerps middle name......

    John Howard, the Prime Miniture of Asutralia has a new nickname...


    because he's a little bush


  • unique1
    Having Republicans in power is a good thing

    Yeah, if you have a job. The problem with this is ALOT of people DON'T. What good is $400 tax check when you can't even pay your $650 rent because there are NO damn jobs? $400 may buy groceries for 4 weeks for you and your child, but after that what? You will just have to starve after the unemployment runs out. Republicans need to be fixing the employment situation instead of focusing on tax cuts. Not that tax cuts aren't nice, they are, it is just not going to help the 6000 people in Kannapolis, NC that Pillowtex just laid off, now is it?

  • Jayson

    So you supporting raising taxes is going to create jobs? You want me to work harder in my business so I can be taxed more and this will aid you in being hired by me? Raising taxes on employee's through L&I and employment payroll aids in creating jobs? In Washington St they knew that raising taxes on payroll will kill 250,000 jobs not to mention not creating any new ones. Many States don't want to follow the facts that taxes do not promote growth. And they are reaping their fruits in the ecomony today. The fed tax cuts got us out of the ressession. How fast things really improve depends on how fast States that are in the red pull their head out of their butts.

    I always say "If you want a job their is a job for you." To many people don't really want a job so they stay where they are and bitch and moan about how a job is not provided for them. Maybe this can't cover every person in every situation but as soon as you start to believe that their is not a job for you I bet you can't find one. If you make an honest attempt to get work doing whatever it takes be it relocating, schooling, changing your lifestyle, or self employment, I bet you can find one. But you have to want it and you have to try. We make it to easy for people to not have to work.

  • Panda

    I like my old SUV and plan to get a concealed weapon permit (as soon as I can afford the concealed weapon because you can't conceal a shotgun). The tax $$$ is fradulently acquired so I think we should just abolish the IRS and have the politicians use their own $$$ to fund the programs that they push into law.

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