If God And His Thoughts Are Perfect - How Did Humans & Satan Become Evil?

by Latin assassin from Manhattan 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cat1759

    Why was the command given in the first place? Why? They were perfect. When God said: You must not eat of the tree of Knowledge, why in blue blazes did he even create this tree? What was it's purpose? Yes they throw around free will and choice and explain away sin. Why didn't God stand up to Satan? Why does God feel inferior to Satan as to always seem to have to give him an accounting. Here is Eve, see if you can seduce her to take the fruit, here is job, see if he will still honor me if you take everything away. What the hell, I think God needs to grow up and stand on his own two feet.

    God is the one that created the tree of knowledge, he created desire by saying: Of this tree you must not eat. For in the day you eat of it you will surely die.

    The situation with Satan was not the humans doing, it was God's. Why did God even bother if he was going to have a war with Satan and use Adam and Eve as pawns in a chess Game. Sing praises to me for I am Jehovah and I am almighty.

    Now had Eve ate off the tree of life before she ate from the tree of knowledge we might have had a chance to beat God at his own game.


  • Shakita

    My husband and I have had discussions about this topic for years. I have come to the conclusion that there is no logical answer. You can't explain the unexplainable. The WT uses the old "FREE WILL" copout....and it works everytime! Well, at least most of the time. This is one of the first things you go over when studying with a new person, why Satan and his demons forsook their "perfect" existence in a trade-off for death and eventual destruction. If you can convince a new study on this point....the rest of the lies are easy. Free will.......makes perfect sense, huh?

    Mrs. Shakita

  • funkyderek

    "Free will" doesn't work as an argument. Adam and Eve had a choice. They made the wrong choice. Eve, at least, was deceived by Satan. So initially Satan made a choice. If his choice was uncaused, then it would appear to violate what we know about the way the universe behaves but would also be completely random. If it was caused, it must have been caused by something. The first cause was obviously the creator. Something in his design must have caused Satan to behave the way he did.

    For those who disagree, a question? Would it have been possible for God to create humans who had free will, but still obeyed him?

  • logical

    Maybe Satan operates for someone else, like Christ is for JAH, who gives life to us all, then satan operates for Death, who lives up to his name?

  • smack

    maybe it's like a big train set.

    you build the best train set you can and play with it. trains go here and there.......on thyme and at sedate speeds

    but the real fun is when you ram them into each other, or like Gomez, you blow the wheels off them as they collide on a bridge!!!!!!!!!!!

    hyperthetical of course

  • ashitaka
    but the real fun is when you ram them into each other, or like Gomez, you blow the wheels off them as they collide on a bridge

    HA! That sounds like a pretty accurate explanation to me, (if I actually believed in a God). Must be a lot of fun up there, watching the world go to shite.


  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    There is nothing accidental or random about human emotion. All actions taken by humans are based on emotions. Emotions originate in the mind - the mind was created by God. Why did God create the human mind with the ability to feel things like hate, envy and greed? Yes, if given the freedom to choose, a human might pick one of these as opposed to love, forgiveness, or kidness. But why give them hate, envy and greed as a choice in the first place? Can you blame a child for choosing ice cream over chicken for dinner if his parent gave him the choice?

    How does a creator claim to be Holy, but at the same time, give humans the mental capacity and the freedom to do what is evil, and then judge them for it?

    If God really believes in justice, why didn't he destroy Satan from the beginning? After all, who is Satan that God should have to prove so much? After all, Satan is evil right? It's the same as a judge having to prove the reason for his existence to a child molester. If a man tried to rape your wife, would you find it necessary to prove to him why he is wrong, or would you put a bullet in his head first?

    If God's believes in justice, why did he destory the world in the flood, and now threaten to destroy it again, yet he allows Satan an eternity to exist? Why does God punish humans more than Satan? Shouldn't he suffer more, after all, we didn't bring evil to the world - he did!!!

    Why does the Bible say that Satan will be freed again to test humans after the 1000 year reign of Christ? Where is God's justice in all of this?

  • HuskerMike

    the answer I always come back to is "good v evil" fight to the end. Let me elaborate. This is NOT in the Bible, but, I think that Satan in turning from God issued a challange, "who is right". Thus, God started it all, created perfect beings with the capacity to sin (eg. established a rule, do not eat from the tree). I know, this is not in the text, but it helps. In other words, I believe it all revolves around "choosing sides", whom will you serve? For me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I am now in the midst of studying the O.T. Facinating really, that those in that time were continually "shown" God's existance. The Word of God would come down through a prophet, and bam, it would happen just as He said. So, one has to assume one of two things. First, the things actually happend as stated in the Bible, or second, they did not. So the Bible is either historically correct or it is a novel. I tend to believe that it happend, as much archeology supports dates, Kings, etc....as opposed to the lack of evidence for the historiocity of the Book of Mormon. Oh well, just my $0.02

  • happyout


    You are reading my mind! These are the types of things that made me leave the WTS, and stop believing the Bible is "inspired". Even if someone has it twisted in their mind that the original sin was based on human choice, and was no fault of God, the question immediately arises (and has been discussed on this forum repeatedly), why have millions of people been made to suffer for the sins of two? Once the original two sinned, God KNEW their offspring had no chance. Then, according to the WTS, instead of forgiving the whole lot of us for something we can't help (sinning) he picks a certain few to favor. EGOMANIACAL at the very least, EVIL at most. If our justice system in the US jailed all generations of a family for a crime committed by an ancestor, how ridiculous and abhorrent would that be? And, really, who is without crime? Who has never sped while driving, or ran a yellow light, or taken a pen from their office, or whatever? So, since we all commit crimes (no matter how minor), should we not all then be in jail? Same flawed reasoning as the whole, we all sin and therefore all deserve death.



  • 1badmutha

    Quote - "If God really believes in justice, why didn't he destroy Satan from the beginning? After all, who is Satan that God should have to prove so much? After all, Satan is evil right? It's the same as a judge having to prove the reason for his existence to a child molester. If a man tried to rape your wife, would you find it necessary to prove to him why he is wrong, or would you put a bullet in his head first?" God allowed Christ to die, but never laid a hand on Satan.... It makes me wonder if we need to reexamine their "relationship". Was Satan created or was he always in existence. Is he the Yin to God's Yang? Is evil the balance to good? Could good exist without evil? Maybe God & Satan are a dual being. If you are a two headed beast, you can't decapitate one of your heads without risking extinction... Just a thought. 1badmutha

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