Why was the command given in the first place? Why? They were perfect. When God said: You must not eat of the tree of Knowledge, why in blue blazes did he even create this tree? What was it's purpose? Yes they throw around free will and choice and explain away sin. Why didn't God stand up to Satan? Why does God feel inferior to Satan as to always seem to have to give him an accounting. Here is Eve, see if you can seduce her to take the fruit, here is job, see if he will still honor me if you take everything away. What the hell, I think God needs to grow up and stand on his own two feet.
God is the one that created the tree of knowledge, he created desire by saying: Of this tree you must not eat. For in the day you eat of it you will surely die.
The situation with Satan was not the humans doing, it was God's. Why did God even bother if he was going to have a war with Satan and use Adam and Eve as pawns in a chess Game. Sing praises to me for I am Jehovah and I am almighty.
Now had Eve ate off the tree of life before she ate from the tree of knowledge we might have had a chance to beat God at his own game.