My belief is that the JW organization is moving towards video teaching. At the last convention a Mini Jesus movie was created. Today watching the JW video on 'older ones' is the famous widow in the temple scene with the same actor for Jesus.
Are they slowly and carefully making a Jesus movie?
Some posters on here say the JWs are an old testament religion but these posters are not stuck in it like I am.
We are told from the WT to read ... the gospels... In fact that is where they told us recently to start.
Although many OT stories are in their videos on JW library the majority are of the sermon on the mount or some other Jesus teaching....
I think is going to not only complete their audio bible in few more years but dramatize the NT especially the gospels.
That being said the OT stories will be followed too... thankfully (Better stories) and the convention of 2016 will have this.
By 2020 I think the Public talk on Sundays will be a public talk via video or a story from the bible on the screen.