JW Videos

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    My belief is that the JW organization is moving towards video teaching. At the last convention a Mini Jesus movie was created. Today watching the JW video on 'older ones' is the famous widow in the temple scene with the same actor for Jesus.

    Are they slowly and carefully making a Jesus movie?

    Some posters on here say the JWs are an old testament religion but these posters are not stuck in it like I am.

    We are told from the WT to read ... the gospels... In fact that is where they told us recently to start.

    Although many OT stories are in their videos on JW library the majority are of the sermon on the mount or some other Jesus teaching....

    I think JW.org is going to not only complete their audio bible in few more years but dramatize the NT especially the gospels.

    That being said the OT stories will be followed too... thankfully (Better stories) and the convention of 2016 will have this.

    By 2020 I think the Public talk on Sundays will be a public talk via video or a story from the bible on the screen.

  • LisaRose

    I think you are right. I have been out a long time but from what I read here it may be due to the generally poor quality of elders that are becoming the norm. As the internet has become common, possibly many of the better educated JWs are waking up and leaving? At the same time they seem to be having a harder time motivating young men to reach out to be elders. Possibly with wages being not as good as they used to be, even good elders are having to work more to pay the bills so they might not have as much time to prepare talks. Many have said that the overall quality of the meetings are starting to deteriorate.

    Maybe they think videos will be more effective in motivating people and making sure they get their message across. If you have a poor speaker you are more likely to not pay attention, while a video has more impact.

  • Wild_Thing

    It is amazing to me how they have done a complete 180 and embraced all technology. When I was a kid, the most pious witnesses did not even have a tv and none of the the visiting overseers did. And when the internet became available, it was "another tool of Satan" we were supposed to avoid. Now they embrace it all whole-heartedly.

    They have their own internet TV broadcast channel, they have a Roku channel, they are making music videos, and now Jesus videos. It all seems so weird to me. Ironically, they are beginning to look like all the other religions they have cursed for so long. Now they are televangelists, make cartoons for kids, etc. I can't say enough how weird it all is to me.

    The only thing I haven't seen them embrace wholeheartedly is social media. I think this is a tougher one for them because social media involves two way communication, which they hate. When they have an official Facebook page and Twitter feed, I will be looking out the window for flying pigs.

  • stuckinarut2

    Soon we can expect to see a "Bethel Actors Awards" night. An annual "night of nights" where the Bethel movie industry issues awards for "best actor", "best screenplay" , "best director" , "best music score" etc.....

    The red carpet of the Oscars will have nothing on this!

  • joe134cd

    In another 80 years with the way things are going. Child abuse pay outs, and printing cost increasing. I can see more KH been sold off with perhaps a few assembly halls been spotted around that the R&F will go to once a month. Jw.org formerly known as jehovahs witnesses will be reduced to a web site that a few million people around the worl will log into once a week to hear a bunch to deluded men from up state new york.

  • smiddy

    You guys might be onto something here , I have been out for over 20 years , and what i see now was unbelievable back then .It is a 180 degree turnaround .

    Though I do think the Governing Body going on JW.Org is going to be their downfall .While nobody really new who they were , before , they were a mystery .Appearing on J.W..Org , they are their for all to see in all their imperfections and idio -syncracies .

    The Emperor without his clothes .


  • Vidiot

    @ HowTheBibleWasCreated....

    Don't be fooled.

    The facelift is just that - cosmetic.

    Underneath, it still is - and always will be - the ultraconservative authoritarian high-control group it's been for decades.

    Until the day it dies.

  • BluesBrother
    By 2020 I think the Public talk on Sundays will be a public talk via video or a story from the bible on the screen.

    I think you may be right... I have said so locally. This is emphasised by the change in Midweek Meetings. They no longer train young men to be public speakers, just doorstep ministers

  • DesirousOfChange

    By 2020 I think the Public talk on Sundays will be a public talk via video or a story from the bible on the screen.

    I see it more likely to be a once per week "special" event. If you take away the "privilege" and the Limelight the average JW elder gets from being center stage, either at neighboring Halls and esp at Cir Assms, you'll lose even more elders. They love the prestige. Everything else they are expected to do amounts to work.


  • Vidiot

    They should make a video adaptation and dramatization of the Revelation Climax book.

    A movie like that would be so batshit insane*, it'd make Left Behind seem like solid, though-provoking drama. :laughing:


    * Micheal Bay would f**king love it, though.

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