Watchtower State

by nelim 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nelim
    I was watching a documentary from last week about Saudi Arabia. There are many human rights violations going on, supported from Islam ideology. Apparently IS(IS) is an off-shoot of Saudi society. People are afraid to voice their real opinion. That got me thinking: suppose JWs would be the only religion what would such a society look like? This is supposed to happen after Armageddon, right? I guess quite similar to Saudi Arabia! Scary stuff, in contrast with all the WT promises of a paradise. Do those Saudi civilians also believe they live in spiritual paradise? LOL! (funny, but not really of course :( especially for the women being treated so unfairly).
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Saudi Arabia is a complete hell-hole. For example, Saudi citizens found guilty of sorcery are publically beheaded. In the 21st Century!

    Apparently IS(IS) is an off-shoot of Saudi society - ISIS is an ultra-violent terrorist group that practices a strict Salafi variant of Sunni Islam. The Saudi royal family are in cahoots with the Saudi sheikhs. The strict Wahhabi variant of Sunni Islam is practised in Saudi Arabia. There are parallels to be drawn between KSA and ISIS.

    The only difference I see between the two entities is that the Saudi royals keep their backward wickedness within their boundaries whereas ISIS scum don't recognize boundaries, and sweep into other peoples' towns and do their wickedness there.

    The sooner Saudi runs out of oil, the better.

    If it wasn't for oil, these camel jockeys would still be herding goats in the desert ...

  • LoveUniHateExams

    suppose JWs would be the only religion what would such a society look like? This is supposed to happen after Armageddon, right?

    This is correct, but from what I remember, JWs believe that they themselves won't kill any sinners.

    Jehovah will lovingly do that with a big lightning bolt from the sky.

    Charming ...

  • DesirousOfChange

    The answer is to get to the point where oil is not essential.

  • nelim
    This is correct, but from what I remember, JWs believe that they themselves won't kill any sinners.
    Yes but suppose everyone is a JW, then what effect will the DF/DA have?
  • Lieu

    The Saudis are Wahaabists. This is a form of Islam made up in the 1950's, as is Saudi Arabia.

    As for JWs, I wouldn't put much stock in their view of paradise. Lots of uneeded middle men in that picture.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    It would be called Jethekis (from: Jehovah's Theocratic Kingdom State. pronounced: JEH-tuh-kiss; rhymes with masochist)


  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Punishment in Saudi Arabia, 1) Blasphemy and acts of homosexuality....Death

    2) Slander...maybe 80 lashes or at discretion of the judge. 3) Adultery..Death by stoning.

    4) Stealing...amputation of hand. 5) Banditry (theft)..amputation of hand and foot.

    6) Banditry (murder and theft)..the big one Crucifixion.

    Yes that would be a Watchtower State, paradise on earth...

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    A neighbour of mine working on intelligence security for the military was in Saudi Arabia at a small conference. He was with a colleague, a black man, a Canadian who was sent by the company as a technical consultant. The host speaker announced, "There is a black man here, we can't have this , take him out".


  • JWdaughter

    Seriously? I spent time in Saudi and I know a very respected and loved sheik there who is Canadian, black and highly sought after as a teacher and leader in Arabia. I would say he is a rock star over there. I traveled with Africans, we were not turned away from any checkpoint, holy site or 5 star hotel. That's not the military. Wonder if they had an issue with Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell? Oh! Or Barack Obama.

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