it has just turned 12 O'clock in N.S.W, Australia, is I am just saying Merry Christmas to all you on the forum & I hope you all happy a happy new year. Big Hugs all round. SABIN
merry xmas
by Sabin 19 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks, Sabin.
Have a merry Christmas in Oz.
P.S. What's the weather like where you are? It's pretty crap where I am ...
I'm somewhere in the north of England - it's been windy, rainy & miserable. Starts to get dark before 4pm ...
I'd much rather be on an Ozzie beach with turkey and bottles of beer!
dazed but not confused
Merry Christmas from Colorado!
We'll be opening presents approximately 24 hrs from now.
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Yea Merry Christmas to all. God! remember when that was taboo to say or even think such a thing as a jw?
just saying!
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hey cognac how you doing? so I went to the sex shop, LOL, sat in the car giggling like a school girl but got inside & OMG! it was so educational. My poor husband switched a vibrator on & then could work out how to switch it off, the guy in there could see we were in trouble you need a bloody degree to work some of the stuff. Arent you proud of me . I got to go to sleep now as it's so late but I will pm you & share my new found knowledge about the Eggs. Have a wonderful holiday time with your daughter.