Is There Anywhere To Go for an Outed JW elder/pedophile enabler?

by mrmagic 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mrmagic

    Since the Australian Royal Commission, a lot of JW elders have been outed for either being pedophiles/molesters or for enabling it. The JW elders who enabled it, are publicly outed to their community online and offline. It's become a congregational matter with the entire Kingdom Hall and someone said that this elder would lose his eldership possibly, due to it "being known in the congregation and community" that he enabled child sexual abuse. Is that even possible?

    These JW elders were only following JWorg'srules. JWorg has thrown them under the bus and looks like people are keeping their distance from these elders, including their JW family. If he stays he's constantly under suspicion now, because he's not made himself very popularr in his congregation, , but if he leaves, where can he go? Everyone outside the JW's knows about him now, his work mates, his neighbors, even the EX-Jehovah's Witness support communities online.

    Guess that's Karma, but do elders really get deleted or asked to step down when there's "gossip" or even real facts like covering up child abuse known " about them? They followed orders from JWorg to enforce the 2 witness rule. Now they've been thrown under the bus and left to deal with being outed on their own with no help from Mama JWorg or Daddy "Jehovah".

  • John Davis
    John Davis

    How have the elders who have not reported these matters been outed? The official filing from the ARC is using a numbering system and doesn't provide names. Even in the Charity Commission's filings last week, if I remember correctly the only name that was actually used was the perpetrator.

    In the Fessler Case in PA, there were names but just of any elder who testified.

  • steve2

    mrmagic, can you provide some factual basis for your claim that "a lot of JW elders have been outed for either being pedophiles/molesters or for enabling it"? That's quite an astonishing assertion.

    The remainder of your OP simply comments on that assertion without providing any factual basis. A reader could be forgiven for asking, 'How many is "a lot of elders"? Are we talking double digits? triple or more?'

    More facts and fewer unsubstantiated assertions, please.

  • jp1692
    Mr. Magic: someone said that this elder would lose his eldership possibly, due to it "being known in the congregation and community" that he enabled child sexual abuse. Is that even possible?

    Well let's hope that's true.

    Seriously, this group is so incestuous with their beliefs, rules and regulations that I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that their petty ways (meant to protect only the organization and no one else) implode on their own: collateral damage.

  • mrmagic

    Approximately 8 to 12 elders or so. "A lot' is meant subjectively as 12 compared to 8 million certainly isn't "a lot", however 8 to 12 compared to 200 to 300 people (approx 3 to 5 congregations) is "a lot". You're welcome to call it not-A-lot, as the gist I'm looking for is about the way JWorg handles their individual members getting exposed.

    These elders were not outed directly by ARC, instead they were outed secretly by their own family members who told ex-jw's online and outside activists.The ARC has definitely sparked people to step forward and speak up around the globe and part of this was because of certain elder's family members seeing the ARC and saying that their dad molested them, but were too ashamed and too afraid to step forward.

    The main info I'm digging at is can an elder who has followed the 2 witness rule , and who is now outed publicly for enabling child sexual abuse be demoted, because it is "known publicly about him"?

  • karter

    in new zealand we have guy who raped his sister and was made an elder several years after. everyone knows about it but to sceard to say anything. karter

  • mrmagic

    jp1692 collateral damage - that's it in a nutshell. Totally agree with you that JWorg is an incestuous belief system, rules and regulations. The cookie cutter answer is "Wait on Jehovah to fix it" for any problem where JWorg needs to save face first and foremost.

  • mrmagic

    Karter that's terrible :( So sorry about this happening to her. What a disgusting cult. I've also heard JW's making pedophiles elders and leaders AFTER the man confessed to raping kids. Yep. Even know of one person who was accepted and baptized AFTER having confessed to molesting step kids. Jehovah was gonna fix it in the new system, meanwhile everybody looks away and enables child rape.

  • Diogenesister
    The main info I'm digging at is can an elder who has followed the 2 witness rule , and who is now outed publicly for enabling child sexual abuse be demoted, because it is "known publicly about him"?\

    Watchtower has a huge thing about image - someone who has committed a 'sin' can get away with it depending simply on whether this ' sin'is common knowledge or secret, rarther than what is in their heart. Its incredible.

    I can completely see the Org demoting elders whose behaviour toward abuse victims is locally known and considered horrific. This despite the fact their unpopular behaviour was directed by the Org itself. Remember an elder must have a reputation ' without spot'.

    Confronting abuse victims with their abuser tends to ruin ones reputation....and jworg is *all about the image and not the content.*

  • mrmagic

    Thank you Diogenesister for that response. This is what I've been looking for - the "is the sin common knowledge or secret." Yes!! I forgot the exact phrase JWorg uses.

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