I think that the big issue here is the double standard based on the location of the family members - if they are 'immediate' meaning they live at home in the same dwelling under the same roof then it's OK but if you are like me and living on your own, your family will absolutely avoid contact with you as that is the real JW policy..The old Canada court trial and recent Swedish news are totally out of context and the JW attorneys are complete tools and filthy liars...
Normal Family Relations Continue...My Arse....
by HiddenPimo 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
They constantly lie about it when it suits them.
Even if you are living at home, it can be a problem. It's horrible to be shunned in your own home.
It shows their doctrine to be complete nonsense when they one treatment for a child or marriage partner living at home and another when a family member is not living at home. If the child is old enough to live away from home, the expectation is that they leave.
They break families up.
Anyone recall the Awake! magazine that showed a crying couple on the front page at that as they had their offspring going out the front door. It was all about shunning.
The two wt goons at the CARC got a toasting over shunning and twisted words meanings.
road to nowhere
Dont forget that if yiu can pawn a 15 yo off on an uncle so much the better. My story was that. It meant the last influence I had ( i still pretty much believed and wanted my son back in) was gone. But everyone.congratulated me on getting rid of him. Fooled them, we still see him and minister to his mental quirks
Haven`t Jehovah`s Witnesses taken the statement of Jesus Christ to heart , to extreme , when he said in Matt.10: 34-37 in effect that he himself Jesus breaks up families ?
The Fall Guy
Sadly, when someone (us included!) is totally indoctrinated, it's near impossible to get them to see what right in front of them.
I posted this question to JW's about 2 years ago.
Why does the "faithful slave" teach that "God's laws" depend upon an individual's home address?
wt 88 4/15 p. 28, pars. 13,14 - ".....since his being disfellowshipped does not end their blood ties...... normal family affections and dealings can continue...............The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle and home."
Why do disfellowshipped J.W.'s who live at home continue to have a normal family life, but if they move out of that address, their family must regard them as dead and cut them off? Bible scripture/principle?
I can say this, in the NT it gives several examples where the Jews of the time Jesus was said to have lived, found ways around the laws of their bible. The WTS has spent so much time defining what is right and what is wrong, despite that the NT supposedly was inspired by god who should have been capable of making himself clearly understood. Thus, the WTS has built up what is actually a Talmud of additional instructions in addition to their bible. Yes, it is said by Jews and Christians alike, that it is a sin to add to the bible or Torah. But they can add to their Talmud, that is add, take away, and give new explanations.
The beatings (shunning) will continue until morale improves!
just saying!
I hope the cult WTS "Family Relations" shunning reality saturates planet earth and becomes mammoth problem for them. Nothing seems to bring them to their knees because of the adherents delusions of grandeur - where else can they feel winners in life and superior -- just nauseating. It doesn't matter what the cult commands of JWs.
I think the youtube video of the WT attorney in the Canadian Court allows JWs who WANT to have association with their family members to do so, less it be said the WT Rep was LYING under oath in Court.
If someone (ie, an elder) challenges you on that, suggest to them that they are behind on the current position and that this is the NEWEST LIGHT on the matter and if they question it ask them to write to the WT Service Department for clarification -- and that you want to know specifically if the WT attorney was telling the truth, or not!