Can Someone Explain To Me, Are The Org In Debt Or Rich?

by pale.emperor 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    Big donors with big $$$ may have reduced or stopped donating. So the WTS has to target the little people to step up to the plate.....OrphanCrow


    Little People who are Spending their Money on Ice Cream Cones..
    Instead of Donating it to the Watchtower..


    Image result for watchtower sophia ice cream..Image result for watchtower sophia ice cream


    So the WatchTower Governing Body..(Bums who live off of JW Donations)

    Can eat another sandwich..




    Image result for watchtower Mark Sanderson

  • OrphanCrow

    For all the concern and activity that has been undertaken with where and how the WTS invests their money, I think that is mostly a moot point. The WTS has money. They spend it on all sorts of things - translation offices, literacy programs in developing countries, maintaining a hospital network, carts...

    What is the most telling is where the donations come from - the gifts to the WTS. Where does the WTS get their money? Who are the biggest donors? Where do those donors have their money invested?

  • pepperheart

    At the moment because the watchtower have made savings and started selling the family silver ie the world headquaters and the bethel at london they are rich but when that money runs out they will have to start selling the local KHs of

  • Chook

    They can't be in debt because of the amount of money that keeps coming in all buildings are constructed with free labour the inheritances keep rolling in I just think they're just tightening up more money for the slush fund for the elite few. Not many organisations get free sales representatives plus free labour . To rephrase the original question could you imagine the organisation saying don't send more money because we have plenty ,they will always ask for more. The they will always ask for more money . The whole idea of debt is to borrow from someone and someone won't lend to anyone unless there is collateral the society is a flush with cash .

  • Phizzy

    " the society is a flush with cash ".

    At the moment, maybe. But the reason for all the down sizing and sale of assets has been that for a few year there has been a cash flow problem as far as donations are concerned.

    How much more can they downsize ? not a lot I guess.

    How many more assets can they sell ? again, apart from the regular scam of K.H turnover, not many.

    How much more can they squeeze from the R&F ? my guess is less and less each year.

    Cash-flow will be a huge problem in just a few years.

  • TheFadingAlbatros

    If they If If If at least they were honest they would allow their contributors to know about their financial datas. But as they are vile liars it is not possible to have an overview of their accounts of shit.

  • Finkelstein

    Of course the WTS is rich, richer than its ever been for since in the last 6 or 7 years it has sold off 2 Billion dollars worth of real estate. $$$

    The WTS is not going to tell its members that bit of information though.

    In a matter of fact the WTS recently lied to all JWS that it was poor so it had to eliminate many special pioneers .

    The WTS is commercialized fraud with a publishing house operating at its core, retrospectively it always was.

  • Vidiot
    Phizzy - "Cash-flow will be a huge problem in just a few years."

    Oh, I think it's already rearing it's ugly head.

  • Vidiot

    Oh, and Albatross... dude... nobody wants to see that.

  • TheFadingAlbatros


    No need to smell it, a quick look is enough to realize the hypocrisy in its full color !!!

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