With the current discussion if someone in his twenties can be elder or not. I'm interested in what a elder in jw land really do. All speeches already come in video format from headquarters. Ask elder advice about what? Everything is written in watchtower library. Use as google for any subject. There answer to any question is pray more, read bible more or go out in field service more. There only job to me is a control mechanism GB use to force there will over congregations. Like GBs own little spyware in Cong. Checking nobody is thinking for himself or don't compare watchtower teachins too what bible say. I mean it's forbidden for JWs to speculate or have another opinion on spiritual things then what GB has. He can't really study the bible and teach thing's from the bible. Cause if things are not according to org teachings it's gonna be considerad as apostasy. So what's the point with elders. Everything else in a congregation can be done by systers or 19 year old brother. Meaning see if territory is preach or open kingdom hall's. Crazy org 😂
What's the job of an elder?
by asp59 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Job of an Elder is to be a Watchtower Ho Bitch.
The job of an elder is to be "a shelter from the storm, a hiding place from the wind"
Anything else is the work of an overbearing bureaucrat
road to nowhere
Lucky. I gave you a like for sarcasm followed by truth.
I have more smarts, compassion, empathy than most elders. Where I fail is judgementalism. We see that in committees and their inconsistent/inhumane rulings.
The job of an elder is to be a company man, obeying, teaching, and enforcing all the GB's directives.
Mostly doing circle jerks with other elders
#1 Paperwork for "Mother" (esp Service Overseer)
#2 Schedule regular pep rallys (meetings) (never accept TMS position)
#3 Discipline anyone who gets out of line ("sinners" but also shit-disturbers that get on the radar)
#4 Give Public Talks (that are all now Zoomed) Most enjoy their time in the Limelight.
#5 See that Mother's property is well maintained to protect Her investment
I really don't think they can be nearly as busy as they were expected to be a decade ago or more. There are no longer scheduled shepherding nights. There are no longer meetings for Field Circus (other than laughable Zoom meetings).
It's a title that qualifies you for more work. But it gives you a deeper look at the "inside operation" of the Cult. Sometimes that appointment is what takes a sincere brother right out of the Troof.
Love this sweet line in bold.......
It's a title that qualifies you for more work. But it gives you a deeper look at the "inside operation" of the Cult. Sometimes that appointment is what takes a sincere brother right out of the Troof
Beth Sarim
The job of an elder is not much more of like a henchmen for billion dollar corporation with ulterior motives.
Excellent piece.
An elder has become Watchtower Spyware which means anyone can do it.