Paul Kohler has been 'serving' the circuit that takes in Napa, Fairfield and Vacaville, Cal for some time now.
I should record some of his future talks over the phone.
He sounds defeated. He's getting old and all of the congs he visits has a similar problem, Elders dying off.
He did one of those, 'we're proud of our years in the truth' moments last time.
"How many of you have been baptized for 5, years, 10, 20, 30, " so on and so on. I think that backfired last time, because many in my wife's hall are in the 40-50 years "in the truth" bracket.
Kohler realized he's not alone in the delusion. He sees the faces of the elderly sheep he barely knows and has to keep secrets from them or the whole house of cards collapses. So he's ramped up the DFing 'decree', as he calls it. He also likes to use the term 'being put out' of the organization.
His talks are littered with FOG. Fear , obligation and guilt.
The programming is doing it's job and it is sickening.
Someone actually mentioned coming into the org right before 1975 in their comments while he was visiting. They know they've all been duped. Overlapping generations, 102 years after the birth of the kingdom doesn't build confidence, does it?
Yes, the same Paul Kohler of Menlo Park fame...