I think I have phrase my question in an inappropriate way. Please pardon me. I am really very confused now.
You see, I am born in the "truth". I am really appalled at what ISIS is doing. Chopping people's head off because they are unbelievers. I often asked what type of god they are following. I said they are worshipping the devil, not God. My parents have been telling me how fortunate we are that we are worshipping a God that is loving and merciful. Even after I am out of the wt, I still have deep love and respect for Jehovah. I am still always ready to defend him and his word, the Bible. Until someone here tells me to read deut 13...kill all inhabitants of the land. Even the cattles. I am not concerned about the cattles. But if even the cattles are killed, what about the babies!!! As I have just recently watch a documentary on ww2, scenes of japanese soldiers snatching babies from their mothers and kill them flooded my mind again. Who am I worshipping all these years? A cruel and merciless D.O.G!! Just like Allah whom ISIS are worshipping. Allah is a god I despised. Now the god I am worshipping is also so despicable.
Some of you has written to me telling me to consider the possibility that these stories are man-made and that there is no god. I can consider that these stories can be man-make. But to consider that there is no god, no creator is rather difficult.
Today, while walking past an indian temple, I think of another possibility. A very frightening possibility...there is a god. There is a creator. But he is a cruel and merciless god! Who say god must be good, who say god must be loving and merciful??? Man couldn't find god because we expect god to be a good god. But what if he is not what we expect?
My earlier question really want to mean is if we truly have a cruel creator and some of his commandments we cannot conscientiously follow, would you consider it a sin.
Please don't laugh at me if my thinking seems childish to you...