Jesus Knows the Day & Hour Now?

by KillerJones 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • KillerJones

    I was skimming the July 2016 WT study article and came across a paragraph indicating that, despite scriptural evidence, the governing body indeed feels that god's son NOW knows the exact day and hour of Armageddon. Is this 'new light'?

    From the second study article, page 14, pgh 4:

    When on earth, Jesus said: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heav- ens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) But Christ has been em- powered in heaven to wage war against Satan’s world. (Rev. 19:11-16) Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus now knows when Armageddon will occur.

    Perhaps the next step they will take is that jesus will now inform them....😔

  • fiddler

    Saw a "Jesus is coming soon" sign on a 7th Day Adventist church yesterday. The end timers are channeling the same propaganda. Have to get back to them in a couple of years; 2, 5, 10 maybe and ask the to clarify what they mean by 'soon'

  • EndofMysteries

    Next they will say Jesus evidently knowing the day and the hour, has channeled through the GB that the end will come before 2030. In the year 2031, "Evidently Jesus meant it would be in 2045", in 2045, "Evidently Jesus intended the whole time the end would be before 2060, but overeager 'Jehovah's Witnesses' (not not the GB or anybody of power), had said sooner. And round and round it spins, each meeting emphasizing obeying the GB and how they are the truth!

  • OneEyedJoe

    I'm pretty sure this is old hat. I thought the interpretation was always that Jesus didn't know the time when he said those words, but now that we're in the last days the final preparations have been made and he's been let in on the plan.

    In the end, I don't see how it matters since Jesus isn't exactly the forthcoming type with the details.

  • stuckinarut2

    "Thus it is 'reasonable' to conclude"....oh they go "adding to the bible" yet again!

  • EndofMysteries
    "Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus now knows when Armageddon will occur. that we are absolute morons because every conclusion we have ever suggested has been proven wrong yet we keep doing it and you are morons for still listening to us"

    Fixed that for them.

  • smiddy

    I remember hearing/ reading that over 30 years ago. "it is reasonable to conclude ,now That Jesus Christ has taken up his Kingly power he would know"

    Nicely put EoM


  • freddo

    "In the 1st Century Jesus would have upheld that Christians abstain from ingesting blood as it represents life and a life was always taken when blood was obtained; however with medical advances and the fact that no one dies donating blood and it actually saves lives it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus would approve of the medical use of blood."

    (Book of Freddolossians Ch1. vs 1.)

  • KateWild

    I would love it if WT actually printed a date. That would be fun. It would be another 1975 fiasco.

    Kate xx

  • darkspilver

    Well done to KillerJones for probably reading the WT better than most peeps, but...

    QFR 1 August 1996

    DarK SpilveR

    That's all folks!

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