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by bohm 9 years ago 20 Replies latest 9 years ago jw friends
I kid you not, giving money IS an act of love according to jwtv (juli edition)
Oh well...no acts of love from this family!
I turned the latest money begging into a picture:
It's at 13:25: https://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=MP4&output=html&pub=jwb&issue=201607
The whole broadcast is pretty cringeworthy.
I like the picture of a banknote rather than a coin. "We want the folding stuff , guys!" Whatever happened to the "widows mite"?
Increasingly they are becoming like the Mormons where to pay the tithe to Head Office is regarded as an obligation & proof of being a Christian.
'Give, give, give............It is an act of LOVE. Get it?.........we LOVE your MONEY!' - Governing Body(tm) of Jehovah's Witnesses
This one has less embarrassing spelling:
Has they ever done this before? Said that contributing is an act of love?
and yah, it's a nice touch that it is one or more folded notes that is being contributed. None of those coins cheapskates.