New letter about Circuit Conventions accounting procedures

by Hecce 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tech49

    Yes, so "per capita" literally means "per person" in attendance.

    So going into an Assembly day, they dont know what the actual attendance will be. They have a pretty good idea..... That's part of the reason they take a "count" about an hour into the program. They then announce just before lunch what the attendance is.

    Lets say for example that the attendance for the morning program was 1,000 people (yes, they include small children, and babies). Then, magically, you will note that the "expenses" for the assembly day will be right at about $11,000. No mention of actual expenses or any type of breakdown. That is the amount that they want to see in the contribution boxes, period. No matter if the hall is paid for, and has been for years!

    The congregants are NEVER told that the amount they have to come up with is just a general "give us your money" amount dictated by headquarters.

  • Hecce

    My understanding is that the due amount is related to the number of publishers in the the Circuit and that the invoice is ready when the convention starts.

    Maybe someone more informed can clarify.

  • RichardHaley

    All assemblies and conventions have assigned attendance. In this way they can predict attendance to be sure seats are filled (motels also). From this they base the per capita fee. The numbers are computed in advance according to the number of publishers in each cong/circuit/region with a cushion for un-baptized children and visitors. Kind of like a membership fee per event. So the formula for expenses is based in advance on publishers assigned weather they show up or not. Maybe this is one of the reasons they push for baptism so young. I have heard that there is also a demographic factor to the formula but haven't seen any confirmation to that.

  • sir82

    Yeah, I thought it was based on publisher count per assigned congregation.

    So, the actual "per capita" based on attendance would be lower than the $10 / $14 / whatever, once you factor in all the kids attending who are not yet publishers.

  • neverendingjourney

    I've said this before. The fact that there's a de facto entrance fee doesn't bother me. It doesn't add up to more than a few buck per attendee.

    What infuriates me is the fact that they have to keep it a secret from the flock. They can't be bothered with transparency. The flock doesn't deserve to know the truth. They're there to follow orders. Only the privileged elder class gets to peer behind the curtain a bit.

    It shows contempt for the rank and file.

  • Londo111

    I remember always feeling bad when they mentioned "the deficit". And often I would make sure to put more money in the contribution box. I can't believe I was pulled along like this. Of course, this was back before assemblies got so expensive.

    Of course, nowadays circuit assemblies are only ONE day. They should be HALF the cost of what they used to be.

    If there is indeed an equalizing going on, Watchtower should show where the money is going.

    If I were to to be the "angry apostate" protester, I think I would hold up a sign in front of the assembly hall that read, "How much is the deficit going to be this year?" or "$10000--Why do circuit assemblies cost so much?"

  • sir82

    It shows contempt for the rank and file.

    This. A thousand times, this.

    The Bethel elite hold the rank and file JWs in utter contempt. They view them as embarrassing adolescents who would fornicate uncontrollably if a man and woman are out of sight of others for more than 30 seconds, who would do nothing but watch TV and eat cheetos if not constantly pressed to attend meetings and engage in field service, who would immediately buy pounds of cocaine if not repeatedly hounded to "honor Jehovah with their valuable things", and so on.

    The picture comes much more clearly into focus when you understand the depth of the sheer abhorrence the "elite" have for [everyone else].

  • neverendingjourney
    The Bethel elite hold the rank and file JWs in utter contempt.

    The same holds true for the ridiculous hotel arrangements during the district conventions. We would routinely find better hotels for the same "discounted" price or less. And we were poor. A few dollars made a huge difference. Yet we had to obey "mother." Turns out this was just a way to ensure the WT got free comped rooms for VIPs.

    But don't you dare reveal the truth to the rank and file. Just flog them and make them feel guilty if they disobey the rule put in place to benefit the JW elite.

  • contramundum

    If they are so concerned that "an equalising takes place", maybe it can be suggested that the incredibly wealthy WTS share their $s with the poorer members of the congregations.

    I would vote for that resolution


  • wifibandit

    S-331-E Instructions for Circuit Accounting (6/13)

    S-332-E Circuit Assembly Financial Report (10/15)

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