$40,000.00 USD, and counting.....

by DATA-DOG 39 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Yes, possibly (depending on what the ordered documents actually say). But probably the documents are limited to whatever is relevant to this specific case.

    As for the fine, Watchtower has already flat-out refused to comply with this court order for some months now. The lost the appeal to nullify the order, so they cannot fight the legitimacy of the order. All that is left for them is ignoring the court order...and it is costing them.

    In August another court session will be held to see if Watchtower finally complied. If not, the fines may go up, or they will lose the trial by default.

  • Gorbatchov

    The Yearbook of 2070: "The year 2016 was the beginning of the time of the end, when the Society got to comply with a unjust court order, instigated by the Catholic judge. In 2017 all orders were released. Br. Gerrit Losch of the Governing Body, proclaimed the historic words "Advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom".

  • stuckinarut2

    This stance the society has taken is proof that they show such contempt to the superior authorities!

    Why are they trying to obstruct something that has CHILDRENS welfare as its aim??

    Seriously GB, if you don't see just how sick this makes you, then you deserve all that is coming to you from the law!

  • jwleaks

    After the next court hearing later this month, and a review of the actions of Watchtower, if they have still not complied then the court has the powers to increase the monetary sanctions. At this time a formal complaints campaign needs to be launched in the USA for the 501(c) charity status of Watchtower to be revoked.

  • 2+2=5
    Who would have thought that running a international pedophilia scam while keeping a database of offenders could get this expensive?

    $56,000.00 USD.


  • xjwsrock


  • Crazyguy

    The judge needs to raise the daily amount soon!


    LOL!!! My wife just asked me why I have $ on the dry-erase board! I told her that it was a secret, and that I would reveal it later.

    She replied, "Are we going to have money secrets? Married people shouldn't have money secrets."

    HAHAHAHHAAA!!!! I told her that I'm not hiding any money! LOL!!

    About an hour later I had some food in a bowl. She asked, "What's in the bowl?"

    I said, "It's Nunya. NUNYA BUISINESS!!!"

    My wife said, "I guess I won't get ANY of my questions answered tonight."

    I replied to my wife and daughter, ( So glad my daughter was present! ) ......"It's better to have questions that you can't answer, than answers you aren't allowed to question." LOL!!!

    My wife said, "I'm now dumber because I heard that..."

    Since my daughter was present, I made sure to explain the meaning behind the saying. It's funny how the brainwashed Dub mind fails to reason things through.

    Now I have to decide when and how to explain what the $$$$$$ mean! I'm not sure what to do. I'm going to keep going and wait for the next phase of the court proceedings!

    Will the WTBTS do the right thing? The suspense is killing me!! 😏


  • Gargamel

    Swindler's list - no less: the story of how thousands of kiddie fiddlers were rescued from "evil" persecutors.

    Yes, it is sarcasm, in case anyone doubted.

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