More bad news for the Organisation in Australia

by no-zombie 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • JWdaughter

    I look forward to reading their pious, self righteous and self congratulatory response. No matter what they say, they will be either implying that their actions brought about the "justice" or that they are being persecuted. Depending on which way they decide to play this.

  • Spiral

    Suddenly all KHs in Australia will belong to individual congregations again!

    Good point!

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    This is great news I truly hope it is true.


  • jwleaks

    I put this on another post but thought it would also apply here:

    The compensation scheme will be set up by the Australian government.

    The victim applies to the scheme for compensation.

    The scheme assesses and pays compensation if warranted up to $150,000.

    The government can either bill the religious institution for the full amount or require the religion to pay into the scheme according to how many known victims or ordained ministers and/or volunteers the religion has on its books. Watchtower and the JWs hold the record in Australia in pretty much every category.

  • stuckinarut2

    Either way, we will NEVER see the society admit in any way that they have ever been wrong on anything!

    This arrogance comes because they honestly think that they have God Jehovah's backing, and therefore can NEVER be "at fault" for anything!

    There is NO humility in this organization.

  • smiddy

    Quote from the Herald Sun newspaper Nov5 2016

    "From early 2018,up to 65000 survivors of institutional child abuse could be eligible for payments and counselling as part of the National scheme,which will run for for the next 10 years "

    "The opt- in program will be managed by the Commonwealth but funded by churches,charities,and state governments which voluntarily join the scheme."

    " The federal Government will not be able to force organisations and states to sign up to the redress scheme"

    The article goes on to point out that the Northen Territory,and the Australian Capital Territory along with South Australia have not/will not sign up to the scheme, and Western Australia`s position remains unclear.

    So dont jump the gun my friends , their is still a long way to go.


    "The government can either bill the religious institution for the full amount or require the religion to pay into the scheme according to how many known victims or ordained ministers and/or volunteers the religion has on its books."

    Oh, shit!!! This has to hurt! The WTBTS has over 8 million "ordained/volunteer" Ministers... How many in OZ??? LOL!!!

    Some of you may not know this, but the WTBTS has flirted with the interpretation of "ordained ministers" in the past. Every Dub thinks they are ordained, but it wasn't that long ago that ONLY the Eldubs were considered "ordained."

    Hmmmm...????? What would be the advantage of releasing nu-light and flip-flopping as to the identity of "ordained ministers" within the BORG? THINK ABOUT IT.....


  • shepherdless
    The article goes on to point out that the Northen Territory,and the Australian Capital Territory along with South Australia have not/will not sign up to the scheme, and Western Australia`s position remains unclear.

    I am pretty sure that this relates to the fact that many of the victims were in orphanages or other state care facilities. It won't impact JW victims. I suspect the 3 state and territories named don't want to be part of it because there were very few recorded cases there. WA probably can't commit due to the upcoming election.

    from reading elsewhere, it appears that the govt will fund the scheme to the extent that an offending organisation has disappeared and has no successor. It also appears that $150,000 might be the maximum amount, rather than a set amount. $4 billion / 65,000 victims suggests $60,000 might be a more typical payout.

    If there ar 1000 JW cases, that would suggest that Watchtower would have to contribute A$60 million, to be part of the scheme.

    It seems to me, realistically, Watchtower has 3 options:

    1. Contribute the $60 million, thereby closing off most of the future publicity. To do so, they would probably need some funding internationally.

    2. Not join the scheme and litigate each case individually. This would probably be more expensive in the long run, and very damaging to the JW brand.

    3. Try to avoid it using insolvency laws and protection. I don't think this is a realistic option, because the total value of the Kingom Halls in Australia would be well above A$60 million. Even if they can exclude the Kingdom Halls, they would be famous in Australia as the religion that went insolvent. Field service would be particularly miserable, there.

    I think if they are half sensible, they will go with option 1.

  • No longer a Babe
    No longer a Babe

    You all forget.....remember Armageddon will be here...just around the need to worry !!

  • freddo

    @No longer a Babe

    Terrence O'Brien's nightly prayer.

    DearheavenlyfatherJehovahGodourGrandCreator ...

    Please, please, please bring Armageddy soon, very soon, like right now!!!!


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