Study edition august 2018 about news sources

by Gorbatchov 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    The study edition of august 2018 mentions the 3 reliable news sources for jehovah's witnesses:

    "Breaking news" at

    "News" at

    and JW Broadcasting.

    So, that's what we call a "well informed" world opinion.

    Further they are warning for apostates, world media and news about jehovah's witnesses.

    Compare it with KGB news about jw.

    (They hide that KGB had some interesting news about the declaration of facts and some jw officials during ww2). is becoming more and more a sect. Were will this end?


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    If you control the news you got lots power over the masses. That's one way to keep their/jws head in the sand.

  • Butyoucanneverleave

    They know what's coming their way. They have to try to stop in the tracks. Would love to be a fly on the wall. I can only imagine the 💩that's brewing.

  • Simon

    I can see the tagline now:

    "JW.Org, the First Name in Fake News"

  • WTWizard

    They are no more reliable than the other fake news sites (ABC, CBS, NBC, the lamestream snoozepapers, and CNN). Any time someone is trying to prevent the truth from getting out, their sources of news are unreliable and may contain just enough truth to be credible but not enough to be reliable. And while there is no guarantee that alternative news media are accurate, I prefer to have a diversity of news media and some common sense than a single source that is dedicated to destroying truth and reason.

  • JRK

    JW.BORG - Unfair and unbalanced.


  • Della Street
    Della Street

    So is watching CNN, FOX or NPR going to qualify me as apostate now??

  • punkofnice
    Gorby - The study edition of august 2018 mentions the 3 reliable news sources for jehovah's witnesses:

    Where else will they go?

    Self recommendation is no recommendation.

    A balanced view of the news is always required. I am wary that some in the media skew the news to suit their agenda. but surely not the bOrg news?!?!?!

  • smiddy3

    Is JW.Org News anymore up to date than "Awake Watching The World" I certainly hope so though I don`t think it would be any less biased and selective in their "news"

    I`m pretty sure the flood of News Articles ,Print ,TV, and on line that are coming soon is going to overwhelm the organization that they will have to go into damage control that I personally do not think they will emerge unscathed from .

    Sure they will still exist as a religion but nothing like they have been in the past .

    Their glory days have long gone .

  • carla

    frriggin A!! my jw is already addicted to news and now their dumbass 'channel' will also have 'news'! God help me!

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