How many fence sitters are really out there?
by atomant 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
l think the real figure would be a real nail in the coffin for jw believers.lf the elders knew what l knew they would have a field day.Many many jdubs live a double life.Lovey dovey at the hall and totally different people at home and work.My guess is many dubs are Schizophrenic and in need of help.With all the brain washing lm not surprised.What have others observed.? -
There surely are many JWs on happy pills. That tells you something about god's 'happy people'. When you are told that if you are not happy there must be something wrong with you, not stated directly but implied in so many words, it will cause serious mental and emotional issues including bipolar type disorders, depression, etc -
I used to sit on the fence but that barbed wire was a real pain in the ass. -
I agree...there are several we observed that are serving in the Elder capacity and want to live in the real world as well. i.e. Kids in college (Evil 4 yr. college, not the "approved" 2 yr. college). lol Kids are involved in extra curricular activities. It's blatant hypocrisy! One foot in the org the other foot out. People see it!
I believe there are so many that are just staying in to keep their social network alive. Let's just hope that they are "sticking it" to the cult and NOT donating. What a great way to GET these guys back for all of the abuse they have been responsible for.
Some of our family and many friends are all on meds or are alcoholics. One friend actually calls them "happy pills." If I had stayed in, I truly believe I would be a full blown alcoholic. When I was still in I needed the drink, now I just enjoy an occasional glass of wine. It is nice to just enjoy it and not need it.
So much for the "happiest organization on earth."
aa - guess is many dubs are Schizophrenic
I think it's more that JW's have 2 personas. the cult persona (comlete with plastic smile), and their authentic self.
I really do feel that if there was no shunning of loved ones and friends in this 'captive religion' then there would be a lot that stop attending.
Angus Stewart ARC
Isn't there a recent survey that suggests about 65% of still-ins would leave if the WTS dumped the DFing policy?
I'd say there's a good chance that they're probably fence-sitters.
2 personas you say? Careful! The GB might use that idea to add extra numbers to the worldwide publisher count!
There was a ton of us living double lives, some still are. This was a mere 10 years ago in a fairly rural area of the UK. I'm pretty sure the numbers are even higher in the cities where people are more readily able to access things like a decent nightlife ;) -
everyone in my opinion lives a double life.
they'd be liars to say they have not thought something was not right.
we all know what goes on behind the scene of the sterilized kingdum hall scene.
my mom thinks shes the best jw, but in reality shes made some huge missteps in her life.
and she still breaks the speed limit.... lol
I don't know, but my parents are still true believers who recently tried to die for the blood ban.
They don't do things perfectly; they talk to their disfellowshipped kids, but they do believe it all.