My wife and I are not religious nor do we want to be. We are very set in our spiritual beliefs. We have worked with a JW who's family have been like a part of our family for 6 years. We let our kids stay over at their house and our kids call them "aunt" "grandma" "grandpa" etc. They have visited us in the hospital when each of our 3 kids were born. They have watched our kids for a week at a time and they even drove 3 hours to be there when my 3 year old was in the hospital. These people have been better family members to our kids than their real grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. We are forever grateful to have them in our kids lives. But our kids now 5, 3, 2 are getting older and they occasionally will take the kids to the meetings when our kids stay the night. This happens a few times a year, maybe 4-5 times. Now my five year old is talking about Jehovah and asking all the big questions about who made the world etc. No offense, but I don't like the idea of one of my kids becoming a JW. Nevermind the reasoning, I don't want to offend anyone
My question is, do you think they want to convert my children? Without ever having a discussion with the JW family, what do you think their goal is? Could it be harmless? Or do you think they hope they can get them into the church? I just don't know what to expect going forward. Help!