Please help

by Dano3456 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dano3456

    My wife and I are not religious nor do we want to be. We are very set in our spiritual beliefs. We have worked with a JW who's family have been like a part of our family for 6 years. We let our kids stay over at their house and our kids call them "aunt" "grandma" "grandpa" etc. They have visited us in the hospital when each of our 3 kids were born. They have watched our kids for a week at a time and they even drove 3 hours to be there when my 3 year old was in the hospital. These people have been better family members to our kids than their real grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. We are forever grateful to have them in our kids lives. But our kids now 5, 3, 2 are getting older and they occasionally will take the kids to the meetings when our kids stay the night. This happens a few times a year, maybe 4-5 times. Now my five year old is talking about Jehovah and asking all the big questions about who made the world etc. No offense, but I don't like the idea of one of my kids becoming a JW. Nevermind the reasoning, I don't want to offend anyone

    My question is, do you think they want to convert my children? Without ever having a discussion with the JW family, what do you think their goal is? Could it be harmless? Or do you think they hope they can get them into the church? I just don't know what to expect going forward. Help!

  • Jehalapeno

    They’re trained to indoctrinate and proselytize.

    Yes, they are preaching to your children in the hopes that your kids will convert or you will convert.

    I’m not saying these friends of yours are pedophiles, but the JW organization has a big problem right now protecting kids from predators in their midst. If your kids are going to these meetings, you need to research “Jehovah’s Witnesses Child Sexual Abuse.”

  • skin
    you need to research “Jehovah’s Witnesses Child Sexual Abuse.”

    Word of warning, if after researching you rise this issue with these people, they could start viewing you as oppositional and hence refuse to continue spending time with you, but that's after they try to convince you that you are learning lies.

  • smiddy3

    Get your kids away from these people as soon as possible .This is not a harmless religion .they will indoctrinate your kids at any given opportunity.And certainly don`t ever let them take your kids to any meetings.

    Love bombing is a term used and a method to recruit people. Be warned.

    Do your research on this religion as regards family`s destroyed by this cult and a cult is what they are .

    I was one for 32 years before I woke up ,but that`s another story.

    use the search option at the top of this page to get more experiences many here have had.

    I wish you both well ,and take care.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    They will absolutely try to “inculcate” (their word) your kids with their “life saving”beliefs and they’ll feel good about it and even keep track of the time so they can report it to the organization at the end of the month.

    I’m sure on some level they care about you but getting you to become JWs is their first and foremost motive in going the extra mile for you.

    You could mention to them that your kids are asking you religious questions lately and if they happen to ask them religious questions, they should refer them to you rather than try to answer them themselves.

    Remember, they wouldn’t have allowed anyone to share their religious views with their children or take them to another church and would have been incensed at anyone who would have done so. You could remind them of that if they take issue with your request.

  • Vanderhoven7

    No more baby sitting services for a start.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes they do..Everything said by all the other people on this thread is true:.. these JWs most definitely will try to indoctrinate your small children in the ways of their religion and do not respect boundaries!

    Forgive me for saying this:..I was not raised a Witness and DO NOT believe in all this togetherness and small children staying unsupervised with other adults who are not their parents or relatives. NO GOOD..I would never have been allowed to do this..This is a bad idea and I would put a stop to it NOW if I were you.

    I know you got into this trap gradually and don’t know how you are going to disentangle yourself without hurting anybody’s feelings. But, people’s feelings are not your concern..Make excuses but DO it.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Thank you for posting Dano3456. It is a fact that Jehovah's Witnesses split families. Most on this site have experienced it, it is not rare, it is normal in JW circles.

    They may seem like decent people and probably are but they are under the influence of others, namely the governing body of their religion -- although they will deny it because they don't realise how they are being controlled. The JW religion ticks every box qualifying it as a cult. JWs will put obedience to these men before anything else, imagining that they are doing their duty to God. This total obedience means doing things such as punishing members of their own family by exclusion should they choose not to be a Jehovah's Witness.

    If you value your family, clear thinking and education, self expression and personal development, have no more dealings with this other family and most especially don't let your own children get sucked into their way of thinking.

    I am not being too alarmist but already your children sound like they are taking their 'friends' ideas on board.

    The antidote is to discuss with them the importance of only believing things which can be proved by evidence. The Bible is not evidence by the way. None of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses past this test.

  • punkofnice
    My question is, do you think they want to convert my children?

    Either that, or they want to 'count time(tm)' on the report they give to their leaders. They need to fill a quota of reported time or be looked down upon. Talking to and taking your kids to meetings counts as 'time(tm)'. The more 'time(tm)' they count is the less they are looked down upon.

    But, beware. The meetings(tm) and 'studues(tm)' will damage your children's minds.

    Without ever having a discussion with the JW family, what do you think their goal is?

    It will be Kudos for them. Probably to get accolades for getting converts - which is rare. It will help the leaders look good in front of their leaders (the Circuit Overseer(tm) ) with all the extra 'time(tm)' spent in 'ministry(tm)'.

    Could it be harmless?

    To the extreme. Not only to the mind but the Jehovah's witness organisation is riddled with child molesters and sexual predators. Get those kids away from there NOW!

    See the Australian Royal Commission where this evil cover up was exposed.

    Or do you think they hope they can get them into the church?


    I just don't know what to expect going forward. Help!

    The best help I can give is to get your kids away from that dangerous environment IMMEDIATELY!

    We are forever grateful to have them in our kids lives.

    That's fine. Be grateful. Draw the line at that point. Keep your kids out of the danger that infests the JW cult (no. it isn't a proper religion).

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Welcome Dano.

    Listen & act on every piece of advice you've just been given! As soon as you make it clear to the JW's that you'd rather your children don't go to any more JW meetings, they will freeze you and your children out!

    You will very quickly discover that JW's only offer 'friendship' to potential recruits. Their rule is that 'worldly' people are "bad associations." (1 Corinthians 15:33)

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