How in the world did they justify this torture? Imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at Yankee stadium for 12 hours a day. For 8 days.
1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears 76 Replies latest jw friends
I have a bunch of family members and friends in our hall and area who went. -
I was there. -
And how was it? As awful as it appears? -
I was there as a "mere" preschooler. Back in those days, there was a much higher capacity for spending long hours in service, meetings, study and so on. It is only with the passing of time that we gasp in shock at what was once normal. My mother told us about the meetings in the 1930s that went on for consecutive hours -and that it was only in the 1940s that meetings were demarcated in terms of when they would end for the evening. BTW, Sunday meetings were NEVER held during the day because that was for witnessing.
Yes, things have really changed!
I remember the early 19-8ooooooo's. Back then, District Conventions were like 4-5 days. It was HELL. Especially if you were assigned to the concrete monster known as Veterans Stadium, in Philadelphia, PA. I was hyperactive as a child. I could have jumped out of my skin I was so bored, and the echo in that acoustically retarded stadium made listening nearly impossible.
As a grown adult, I often wonder about the sanity of my parents, that would drag a young child and their elderly (65+) yr old mother along to the stifling heat of the Vet in June or July. Pass me a grape Shasta, before I pass out!
My parents were at that convention and were engaged to be married. My mother was a regular pioneer and my father was the congregation overseer. They still speak of it as if it was the trip of a lifetime. -
So many hours and days to hear contrived lying bullshit.
My parents attended that Assembly but I was at the 1969 International Assembly which lasted for the same length.
9PM. to 9PM with an hour for lunch
Sitting in the middle of summer during these Assemblies were torture for kids, I got sun stroke once and got very sick. Maybe that was part of my critical thinking of what was going on with this organization ?
This better not be bullshit orchestrated by a corrupt and devious publishing house ?
I found out it was.
Of course the JWS then thought it was all worth it for they were going to live forever in a paradise and not be killed in the very soon to come Armageddon in 1975.
That Dam lying religoius publishing house sure fooled a lot of people and it still does to this day unfortunately.
I was 7 half years old at the time I was there. I remember we had 3 families stay with us at the time. We live 30 miles from Yankee Stadium