The real reason so many witnesses end up here....

by stuckinarut2 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Why do so many witnesses end up coming to forums like this?

    No doubt it is because of the fact that the society disallows any form of sincere questioning of teachings or doctrines or history etc...

    If there was open discussion allowed - FREE of repercussions and punishment, then no one would feel stifled. If genuine concerns could be raised, then no one would feel smothered or unable to share thoughts... Then in turn many would not leave...

    BUT due to the high control, authoritarian culture the society has created, many feel trapped, and end up searching outside of official channels...and leaving the society....

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    The real reason so many witnesses end up here....

    Image result for Freedom of speech...Image result for freedom of information


    ...................................Image result for freedom of thought

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  • prologos
    demand freedom of speech.
  • closed
    Amen. Amen. I hope someone from gb reads it.
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  • konceptual99
    Exactly. Try and have a genuine debate on JWTalk and see where that gets you.
  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    @konceptual, it got me here!

    And stuckinarut, you're dead right..

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  • oppostate
    It is so ironic that the WT has gone to the highest courts to defend the right to free speech and yet they deny this very right to their members.
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  • stuckinarut2
    Great observation oppostate! Great point indeed!
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  • James Jack
    James Jack
    Ditto everyone!
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  • zophar

    Good post.

    I was thinking how restrictive the Catholic Church doctrine is. No birth control, no divorce etc. and yet it doesn't appear to affect people at all. Why? The Church doesn't try to enforce every rule and make people conform or get DF or excommunicated. So you can go to Church, worship, fellowship even if you don't agree with everything.

    The same principle does not apply to JW. It seems their mission is not only to set guidelines or rules they think are right, but they have to enforce those upon those who disagree. That stifles freedom of thought and action and drives people away.

    JW's who seem to do best would be the ones who "go to Church" at the Kingdom Hall. Then they go home and lead the life the feel called or compelled to lead.

    They don't give JW's control of their every movement. Unfortunately, because it is a high control group demanding ENFORCEMENT, these people often find themselves at odds with the elders simply for living their own lives and making their own decisions.

    Wonder why JW's even have a conscience if it is so unnecessary??

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