I got out my calculator and looked up Mortality statistics. I wanted to get a "feel" for what is NORMAL in
a non-pandemic world in order to compare with how things are now.
Once had had a "feeling" for it I began to notice that MEDIA has a dramatic (perhaps overblown) tendency to
terrify the public by framing death rates, predictions, and political discord HYSTERICALLY. (And I don't mean funny.)
MORTALITY rates Pre-Covid and Post-Covid (How are we going to understand?)
by Terry 13 Replies latest jw friends
MORTALITY in a NORMAL WORLD(meets deliberately scary reporting)The mortality rate from ALL causes of death for the U.S. population is calculated per 100,000 individuals per year based on population size.Example:In 2003, the U.S. population was 290,810,000.Total number of deaths for all reasons was 2,419,900___________TOTAL: 832 deaths per 100,000 (0.00832)SO?Each year these statistics are reckoned anew and the forecast(pre-Covid) was on track for 2020.What was the pre-covid prediction for "normal" mortality?As 8.3 per 1000 in the U.S. as comparedand 7.7 per 1000 worldwide.(Crude figures for estimate are referred to as “crude death” figures.)CAUSES of DEATH are calculated as 10 categories per 1,000 persons:1. Heart disease 1262. Stroke 773. Pulmonary disease 414. Lower respiratory infection 405. Alzheimer’s / dementia 276. Lung cancers 237. Diabete mellitus 218. Road injuries 199. Diarrhea diseases 1910. Tuberculosis 17__________________ALL THE ABOVE are considered STANDARD MORTALITY occurrences.NOTE: Covid -19 deaths are counted as the “cause” of death automatically even when any of pre-existing conditionswould likely have resulted in death anyway.(The reporting by the hospital as a covid-19 death results in more funding, FYI.)There is no way to separate out one “cause” from another “cause”.The Hospital decides (in its own interests perhaps?)Question:STANDARD NUMBER of DEATHS PER DAY pre Covid-19?153,424.70 deaths per day is considered Standard WORLDWIDE.That's 106.5 deaths per minute. Pre_covid.In the U.S. Mortality rate is : 2,813,503Death rate: 863.8 deaths per 100,000 populationCovid has now been conjoined into that mortality figure in the U.S. .Scare headlines are framing Covid figures by using terrifyinglanguage designed to create panic because we are not AWARE of what a NORMAL death toll is supposed to look like. Is this kind of reporting Helping anybody at all? Or is it designed to addict us to doom surfing for more and more "information" and clicking on ADS and racking up revenue for Media?? A documentary on NETFLIX explores how Artificial Intelligence has turned Media especially Social Media into and addiction and a cash cow. https://www.netflix.com/title/81254224 -
There is no question the Covid virus is worrisome but to fair the statistical information put out by the media is advantageous in that it lets the general public know whats going on without being restricted or regulated by some governmental authority
road to nowhere
Common sense tells us that the poorly worn and thin masks, sloppy cleaning in stores and the still going out would have lots of us dead if the virus was as potent as claimed. There is an agenda.
It would also be fair to say that there is portion of the population that takes in this information in a worsening way, affecting an already state of depression and anxiety.
In the end of it all the governments are endeavored to stop the spread of the virus as much as they can to the population of which they govern over .
Some countries didn't impose restrictions and they suffered many more deaths from the virus because of that ie. Sweden
I wonder how the families who lost their family members feel about how their active government handled the situation ?
The MEDIA prosper when things go berserk, when fear is rampant, when agitation reigns supreme.
"If it bleeds; it leads" is the motto of the Newspaper business (informally).
No news is good news? Nope, just the opposite: Good News is NO NEWS. -
Nope, just the opposite: Good News is NO NEWS.
Too right Terry and bad news is marketable ........unfortunately
Mortality rates now vs a normal 6 mo period would be hard to compare. Few traffic accidents. No elective surgery screw-ups. Few job accidents. No one stressing out at work having heart attacks.
I wonder how many excess deaths are from the virus, and how many are from things related to these lockdowns or due to ANTIFA or BLM riots. Surgery gets put off, patients get sicker and die. People are under more stress, they die from the stress or start drinking or using drugs to deal with the stress and die from that. They get their homes burned down, they get more stress from that. They lose their jobs, they get more stress plus lose their means to live healthy. Yet, they count those extra deaths as "proof" that we need a vaccine that is going to add billions to the death toll and make everyone sick.
A book which should appear in every home library:
But Terry the contagious effects of the virus that killed many people rapidly in countries like Italy and China to name few, were those deaths just a statistical lie ?